Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Farthington's Voicemail: You know, Bader obscurity

A treasure trove of Carlton Farthington's voicemails has recently been made available to the blog.  At the request of researchers, enthusiasts, law enforcement agencies, and other followers of the project, voice-to-text transcriptions have been published as-is rather than edited for sense.  We hope that this will better capture the texture of the spoken word, rendering it more accessible and/or flexible for the diverse purposes of our audience.

4/6/14 8:55 PM 2 weeks ago
Let's evaluate a couple other one, so we've done so far, so to make 30. It's show obviously in that with to me. That really falls into that category of very much product, or entity, experience. Where we labor day and it just You know, Bader obscurity For the most part for months and months and months and then we created the product. And actually. Yeah, the product in really produce anything out of itself that length. It's up to anything in the future. So, I mean. We did get some footage but you know whether or not we can actually use that footage for anything. You and then also. You know, I honestly I don't think. That a lot of the footage was necessarily that great and I'm I'm putting that mostly on my self about the quality of the performance, but, regardless of whether or not. It was a quality performance. It was really in that product, side of the spectrum. So, that's, that's tell me you did you know that's not ideal and you could to look at ways definitely there were other could've done some ways of turning what is primarily a product oriented, experience into one that has elements of process. And it I'm the other day. Set aside from the blog. At times I think as follow, and more, exclusively and to the process out of the spectrum. Where. If kinda just biding their time producing things. Putting things out. Do these things bring us any closer. No, actually in a lot of cases. They they tracked. From time that could be spent, doing other things. Other things that might actually lead us a little bit closer 2 those. Those transcend and realities, which we may never realize. Which remember it may never rise. Pat, any of those destinations, but You know, I did in and again I think there are ways where we can conceive of some of the things that we do as, as perhaps. Having, as being Stepping Stones, or increments on our way toward some product. And it as often as we can do that as often as we can double up and and get so You know, kind of get off the of the day today. Of. The Block in really seat. That this stuff. What might we be doing on the day to day basis that would get us to some of those transcend and destinations those.

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