Friday, April 11, 2014

Farthington's Voicemail: we could be Purina over the volcanos

A treasure trove of Carlton Farthington's voicemails has recently been made available to the blog.  At the request of researchers, enthusiasts, law enforcement agencies, and other followers of the project, voice-to-text transcriptions have been published as-is rather than edited for sense.  We hope that this will better capture the texture of the spoken word, rendering it more accessible and/or flexible for the diverse purposes of our audience.

3/29/14 10:36 AM 31 minutes ago

Ice land. You are melting in the tear drops of in Ocean volcanic eruption Sterling up there rocks in. Lobach. How can I just stand here in my monogram pajamas. Well day witness this, Apocalypse with Panorama through the islands. I. C. 4 spice shadows. Spy shadows of sucks. Bye. Shadows, and I was. 5 froze by pros and shapes, okay. Spies pros and shapes, of dinosaurs, lately. I've been breaking up the tape and in my basement, finding that it's futile to ignore lights nagging questions. How can I just sit here with my rocks class in my slippers. When we could be Purina over the volcanos slip. Where would we would. C. The Reason 4, your police. In dinosaurs, something something something. Tell me whilst some one. Tell me what they gonna signs by the light of the midnight sun. Yeah.

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