Thursday, April 24, 2014

Farthington's Voicemail: Pat, Jack, and Not really

A treasure trove of Carlton Farthington's voicemails has recently been made available to the blog.  At the request of researchers, enthusiasts, law enforcement agencies, and other followers of the project, voice-to-text transcriptions have been published as-is rather than edited for sense.  We hope that this will better capture the texture of the spoken word, rendering it more accessible and/or flexible for the diverse purposes of our audience.

4/12/14 10:13 AM 11 days ago
So I just wanted be a little bit at thinking about. The To Do list of sorts for our project. Specially, namely, the that ad the karaoke Pat, Jack and Not really. Karaoke let you know the sequence your project. The one man. Dan man in the backs project. So first of all being in a box. I thought I. I thought a little bit. I know that there's probably a you know, Web 2.0 8 3 free where kind of situation out there, but. So, my city seems like there's a lot. A real advantages. With that in the box. One of which being that there's a large community out there, people who use it and in who create songs and you know I might be able to do some covers. So Ben in the box and then moving on, casting need to get some of that beard stuff of that sticky stuff that's with the Beer. Diamond, So that would be pretty important. I think that we're looking at. Probably just plain this you know on A C D player. You Know. I've, hot computer Whatever. I don't think that it needs to be a huge amazing set up like mixing board or anything like that we get it off next time. You know and I'll try to get it right Now after that. What we thank you. We are at stake cave close you to certain how to close the look. The part and that does not really need to be didn't teach that's probably Jess, dress, thrift store close. One, the people, mostly don't want and that or not, trying to be in the lease. So if that is, not that big issue and I think we're pretty good to go at least in terms of going around and use where we could we could play in this way. That already have a sound system. We have a sound systems, and that's pretty much only need I think. You know, just a couple of remaining question marks are. How quickly. Hope. How quick, can you. What kind of frequency of courts. Can you have Because if I do have some the sending things where you know you get for court to the measure. You know things like that might be. Maybe it doesn't do that I'm guessing that it does, I have to check up on that. So there's a couple of things to check that. But I think I should, pull the trigger this get going. So.

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