Thursday, April 10, 2014

Farthington's Voicemail: no life for existence of the phone, but it is a Paul

A treasure trove of Carlton Farthington's voicemails has recently been made available to the blog.  At the request of researchers, enthusiasts, law enforcement agencies, and other followers of the project, voice-to-text transcriptions have been published as-is rather than edited for sense.  We hope that this will better capture the texture of the spoken word, rendering it more accessible and/or flexible for the diverse purposes of our audience.

3/20/14 4:50 PM 8 days ago

So I'm just interested in this question, what song would reach you. So if we were only to do one song what would be deal. And I like your thought about it being disseminated buyer early and i just a whole concept of viral I would love the idea of a buyer rest of the virus, is actually not alive to the It's not an organism, but that they can do a lot of damage, obviously, and has. You know certain certain qualities Center. The there is some work to what we see in living organisms and it's of ours. In some ways, lives off of organisms. I would imagine. That one state deadly virus has, killed off. It's post that it That it self dice. You know that I kind of like that idea of the virus, purses the host other thing on which it feeds the thing and it reminds me in some ways for the day. Kind of Mason merging at this point is not beauty person, so I'll clean ass, but beauty purse is something that is near nothingness, something that really has no existence of the phone. Thanks, or we to record it. We want to get it is close to beauty as possible. We would say that is originated You know, and one some way shape or form, not to say that we are pure vessels for this but that is the originate ohh with. The Creator and that we've been created in is Image. I was capable of the sort of thing And yeah, you know that. Tirole aspect is, is set up in opposition, or you know if that is. Just Seen is kind of One of the ways it gets, disseminate it. Very interesting word in an of itself. So this nothingness has no life for existence of the phone, but it is a Paul. This phenomenon his able to work and on the phone at work. Now, and it's on the Disable though work and act in buyer or ways of phenomenon that we see all too often on the web. And it's somewhat pathetic for the actors who could coke stand with us, would be come just a virus. I think you can go from being a host. 2. Being a real thing in another yourself. It is To the extent that you partake.

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