Monday, April 21, 2014

Farthington's Voicemail: the day the day quote to be in realities

A treasure trove of Carlton Farthington's voicemails has recently been made available to the blog.  At the request of researchers, enthusiasts, law enforcement agencies, and other followers of the project, voice-to-text transcriptions have been published as-is rather than edited for sense.  We hope that this will better capture the texture of the spoken word, rendering it more accessible and/or flexible for the diverse purposes of our audience.

4/6/14 8:51 PM 6 days ago
But I think I come back down to the the logistical. I think it is a good question to ask about pretty much everything that we embark on since we do have limited time and energy, and resources. 6. Letter that we really need to make the most of all these things that we choose to do, and I think we should ask that question does does this house. Those critical aspects. Those aspects from both sides of the spectrum. On the one hand, is it something that can and some sense be realized. In the present. As. I was on the product end of the spectrum, or the process end of the spectrum, where we really can Not just wait around for this ideal. And point. Where there can be some realization in the present. And then the second thing is is the getting us any closer toward products in the future. Really those sort of more idealize products that we are our imagining on this horizon. Those one server, we not within reach, but we really need to be reaching toward those, products. Not in a way where we're gonna have this impoverished present. Where we take away all present human value and then do well in the strand send them hopes and dreams, of the future. But at the same time. Not just was not just living in the present and in the day the day quote to be in realities. I'm not. Because at that point, it becomes assist with the in the task. But accommodation those to the synthesis of those two. And whenever possible ask that question and in the really can't evaluate a lot of the things that we've done. As. Having fallen into. One or the other category. It would be nice in this next phase to see if we can get one. The falls into that synthetic category that you had a great it synthesize is the strengths of. Both sites because that is the one that I think, as the best chance of realizing that concrete reality, that we all What.

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