Thursday, May 1, 2014

Farthington's Voicemail: Being, content, and serene

A treasure trove of Carlton Farthington's voicemails has recently been made available to the blog.  At the request of researchers, enthusiasts, law enforcement agencies, and other followers of the project, voice-to-text transcriptions have been published as-is rather than edited for sense.  We hope that this will better capture the texture of the spoken word, rendering it more accessible and/or flexible for the diverse purposes of our audience.

4/26/14 6:45 PM 5 days ago

So. I mean anything. Remember that. But I do think that this is getting down the start of something that's actually I'll be on choice of actually maybe something up the reality of the situation. The underlying reality, which is that You know, there is No way to necessarily. Great out of out of anything ultimately It seems like some of these people. After, fumbling around with sketching out from the basics come to the conclusion that ultimately One, Two things, 1. Cell and That's about the best you can do. You know now, getting down the bottom of what exactly that is is another matter. But you know, I've. It's driven. Many, many times. It'd be an accomplished something that is way outside, the realm of my identity and That is Ben on Successful. And you know that kind of ambition is, getting tired of that kind of thing that I, I have lots of laughs energy for that. I've left a possibility. The forced myself to do that. And And that's probably a good thing You know, It's just to bring forth that which you've been given. This is what What. What part of the message. Do you have in and being able to articulate that and just keep keep trying to articulate that the best you can. You know, and then one that goes away then 7. It's You know, there's no real reason to try to fabricate anything. I think in the process of just listening in, trying to see where the openings for action. Our and then just. Being, content, and serene. When there are no openings for action. That kind of seems. I need to be the way that you would find out a little bit about yourself. If you would find out some aspects of of who you truly are. You know when you get active and and forcing the issue and You know, trying to create something or fabricate something that's not there. I think you kick up a lot of dust and it's gonna take. Bye.

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