Monday, May 5, 2014

Farthington's Voicemail: I live in the south

A treasure trove of Carlton Farthington's voicemails has recently been made available to the blog.  At the request of researchers, enthusiasts, law enforcement agencies, and other followers of the project, voice-to-text transcriptions have been published as-is rather than edited for sense.  We hope that this will better capture the texture of the spoken word, rendering it more accessible and/or flexible for the diverse purposes of our audience.

4/26/14 10:20 PM 7 days ago
Not like haven't talked about this before, but. I think the bottom line, with everything. That has been mentioned in recent days, is that now. We just got do what we can do seems like the rather simple, statement, but we gonna do it what's in the realm of our power and You know, maybe, straining against. Pops to close as part of that power. But anyways. It'll be. It'll be interesting, and I hope that this give some freedom. I think you know the main thing for me. Of course, and I think for other people to is is just. I need to stay in that sweet spot. I do stay in at realm. Where are you have inspirational he have, the ability to create and ultimately that's that dictates the whole. Thanks, that You know, if you begin trying to do something in blocks status short circuits that let me know. It's. It's immediate up in the immediately obvious that you need to stop or that you need to find some other combination of activities. That are going to give you the a little break that you need to make it forward. Because, That's really the only break that I'm interested in ultimately I don't think that any other break is really guaranteed. As it is. But the break. As you breakthrough just kind of a constant I'm going writers block that you deal with to be able to break through that. I mean. And that's just an ongoing thing, and it's like. Prayer. It's not like you had Yeah, finish a. If you read the prayer some sort of Prayer. And then you. Your SAT. And you've not stuff to some level. It's like I like the failed X trader, I. D. F. Just, You're pretty much always a failed X writer and you have to. I live in the south, perpetual state of listening. For what the next light, is going to be. And that is really what is ultimately.

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