Thursday, May 29, 2014

A Jawless Ghost

The following is an excerpt of an email sent from Art to Will on 26 March 2014.

Alex encounters Yoko's jawless ghost in the movie, The Grudge
Regarding the symbolism of Dr. Farthington's post-"accident" state:

I have been playing around with the idea of his wound, that it is a literal version of what is happening to us figuratively. Our mouths are opened wider than ever before (think the reverse bear trap situation in Saw or the jawless ghost in The Grudge), but we have nothing to say and/or are unable to say anything.

The image has a clear kinship with other motifs in the story: empty frames, Farthington's "tunnels within tunnels," the irradiation of proscenium arches creating a progressively diminished stage/actors, the re-posting/ re-tweeting/ embedding phenomenon, etc.

Regarding Farthington = reflection of us:

He would be a reflection of us, to the extent that we are the content he is currently cannibalizing/ regurgitating/ echoing/ resounding. So in the same way that we are all made "in the image and likeness of God," someone who has made something else the ground of his being will take on its characteristics.

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