Wednesday, March 12, 2014

The Thoroughly Dionysian Underpinnings of This Universe

The following is an excerpt of an email sent from Art to Will on 20 February 2014.

I have really been enjoying this Internet vision a lot.  Whether anyone else will enjoy it is another matter, but, for the time being, it giving me a surge of purpose and creativity.

At any rate, I figured it's probably just as well that I manage the blog and other electronic aspects of this approach.  I did, however, want to ask you if I can continue to "curate" your emails alongside my own (I've only done the "Interview with Rustyy" so far).

I'm thinking, for example, of your January 24th message about the Apple rep, which I loved.

What I'm proposing is that you let me edit these a little--breaking up your paragraphs into a more journalistic style that bloggers favor (e.g. occasionally giving a significant thought its own one-sentence paragraph).  The alternative would be that, when I find something that I like, I could send it back to you and you can edit it yourself.

Here's a preview of the post I was planning using that email.  I've also titled it.

Beyond that, I am just laying the thoroughly Dionysian underpinnings of this universe.  The blog, its search tools, and a few other structural components will later provide the requisite Apollonian "stage" through which to glimpse the Dionysian horror without being destroyed.

I'm going to begin working in some of The Principles of Theory material next (interestingly, another story told primarily through emails), perhaps followed by some "song fragments" (pieces Arthur was working on just prior to the Concert for Iceland), and other artifacts.

In all of this--the excerpting of emails, the curating of artifacts, etc.--something makes you wonder if all these people suffered some horrible demise.  And if that's true, who is running the blog?  And how can Arthur White "return"?

Actually, according to The Principles of Theory, the badly mangled body of Carlton Farthington was found in the third-floor subbasement of the steam tunnels beneath University of Michigan's campus 17 years ago this September.

How, then, has he returned to write these upbeat but strangely disconcerting emails?

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