Wednesday, February 12, 2014

An Interview with Rustyy

I heard an interview with Rustyy in my head this morning:
Interviewer:  How should we pronounce your name?
RK:  What does the voice inside your head tell you?
I:  Rusty Crystals?
RK:  I believe you.
I:  Why the extra Y's?
RK:  They aren't extra.  
I:  So that is the name you were born with?
RK:  We must all play the parts of many names, but in the purest, most eternal sense of your question, yes.  Dr. (Sorry! His name escapes me--Burmese-born, Oxford-educated...) found it for me.
I:  And you trust that he is right?
RK:  Look, man, the only way any of us can know anything about ourselves is to abandon everything we know about ourselves and listen to how others see us.  Other people know.  We don't.
I:  So my interview, in a sense, is pointless. 
RK:  You've got to discover that for yourself.

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