Friday, March 14, 2014

An Unnamed Rustbelt City

The following is an excerpt of an email sent from Art to Will and Joe on 28 December 2013.

I thought this would be a good time to explore Arthur's "miserable, dejected state," especially since Will is gone.

I want to play karaoke-style versions of my songs because that's all I have left (both in real life and in the story).  I think it makes sense that this is when you find me, Joe.

I'm thinking about some pretty intense character disguise with a white beard, shoulder-length white hair, and an old beat-up Cosby sweater.  Maybe I could even be playing my songs on my beat-up classical guitar at one of these corners where you see people begging (I don't know--that's probably insensitive).

This is when Joe Lazarus finds me and takes me in to his home "in an unnamed northern rustbelt city" (unnamed for fear of Farthington's thugs).  Here they set about attempting to re-record the lost songs (documenting the results in words, pictures, video, and rough tracks).

Long story short, this is a much scaled-down phase of the project, one that will allow me to work on songs and keep the story somewhat on people's radar.

Posting old pictures would be another thing.  In addition to working on my "old" Arthur White look, I want to work on the younger one as well.  Once I have that put together, I may start "leaking" some more old photos.  If either of you feel like getting into costume and finding an authentic setting (does Joe have/need a costume?), we could start stockpiling some photos from "the past."

A final disclaimer is that these things may take a period of several months to get up and running.  In other words, I may do a lot of work before officially "launching" this phase.

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