Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Concert for Iceland Update

The following is an excerpt of a 29 December 2013 email sent from Art to Will and Joe.

I want to start the re-recording process with songs from Concert for Iceland, which I see as Arthur White's last show under his full powers.

Some of the material relates Arthur's marital and mental breakdown, but also some hopeful songs in which he is clearly breaking free from the sham promises of Carlton Farthington.  I'm not sure Arthur even made it to Iceland: this may have been when Will staged his definitive intervention.  Indeed, in the song "Iceland," Arthur seemed to be under the impression that Iceland is made entirely of ice (thus rendering the volcanic explosion even more devastating in his mind).  But he was at least ready to go and not just for the concert.

The true object of the trip is explained in Farthington's Principles of Theory.

The other exciting possibility in this stage is the rediscovery of famed guitarist Rustyy Kryystyylz, who was planning on playing the benefit concert with Arthur.  This was widely seen as a potential new creative collaboration after the dissolution of The Sweet World.

A funny show would be Arthur and Rustyy playing along with a karaoke machine, dramatizing just how both had fallen after the failed benefit.

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