Wednesday, March 5, 2014

The Church and the Tower of Babel

The following is an excerpt of an email sent from Art to Will on 16 January 2014.

So, I've been racking my brain about some of the details.

I think I want to talk to you on the phone or over Google hangouts at some point about how we will configure the release of these sundry elements (emails, videos, blog posts, etc.).  I think that discussion definitely should be prefaced with a prayer to the Holy Spirit!

We are walking that fine line between the Church ("every man heard him speaking in his own language") and the Tower of Babel ("The Lord confounded the language of all the earth").

That conversation aside, I'd like to slowly but surely start preparing the basic architecture.

The choice of whose account the blog is under seems a critical choice.  As you know, my vote is for  That said, I want to configure things on the blog so that this fact is not at all obvious.

Actually, I want people to get the initial impression that it's Art and Will--the real-life teachers in an impossible, barely existent band--doing the blog, talking about their alter egos, Arthur White and Will Witkowski.

The unique circularity this configuration achieves is that one of the least believable characters, Carlton Farthington, ultimately lays claim to the outer frame, rendering the existence and/or agency of all the other characters, including the real-life Art and Will, suspect.

I only want this to occur in the case that someone clicks the "Contact Us" link and sees show up in the address line.  I might like to bury that information even further, such that someone would have to search around a little bit (perhaps run "Carlton Farthington" through a search engine and have his blog, "The Return of Arthur White," show up in the results).

Or even further, to bury this very thing I'm writing now somewhere in the blog, engendering even more epistemological despair in that Art seems to be the one writing the post but Carlton Farthington is the one posting it on his blog!

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