Thursday, December 17, 2015

What the Lord Hath Made Crooked (Part 10 of 10)

The following is a series of attached photos sent from Liza to the group. As usual, we publish typed excerpts of these illuminated texts along with the original photo. The best way is to read the text, of course, is to to experience it in its illuminated form.

Re-reading my letter, I'm reminded of a poster that hung in Will's classroom eight years ago...

I'm having a new memory of my memory; maybe this wasn't a poster but rather a letter →Who Can Make Straight What the Lord Hath Made Crooked? ← This is what that poster said. Most def Ecclesiastes, but maybe not verbatim.

10:18 AM: This was certainly a whiteboard, not a chalkboard.

10:20 AM: The chair looked nothing like this, this is just the image "chair" signifies in my brain. It was taller—a swiveling stool maybe?

10:22 AM: The handwriting was more haphazard; like surgeon scratch.

10:30: When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.←Jimi was somewhere, but not her. Above/on Wall of Fame? Black and white, maybe a postcard—definitely no text.

10:45 AM: On second thought, was the accent wall color burnt pumpkin orange? Wasn't it the adjacent classroom (Mrs. Walker?) that was painted Barney purple?

10:47 AM: "Never wear your best trousers when you go out to fight for freedom and truth"—Henrik Ibsen. ←Sure of the quote, but the placement or the appearance. → Landscape orientation?

11:00 AM: Wasn't this poster up here, too? Landscape orientation?

Certain of dismissal time junior yr: 11:45; senior yr.: 2:45

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