Sunday, May 31, 2015

Introducing Allison!

The following is an excerpt of an email sent from Allison to the group on 12 April 2015.

Nietzsche paul-ree lou-von-salome188.jpg
Left to right, Andreas-Salomé, Rée and Nietzsche (1882)

Good evening,

First and foremost, I am delighted to be working on this project. I will do my best to contribute or interject when I can. If I recall, I think Liza was a senior when I was a freshman at Catholic Central. She is a legend, and I am excited to be counted in her creative company. I have been working on reading through the entirety of the project and taking notes in order to wrap my head around the story and how I may serve it. If you’ll believe me, I understand it for the most part. I think my roles as analyst, synthesizer, thesis generator, and character contributor are very fitting.

I never thought of my name in the a-son way, but its etymology is germanic and I believe it translates roughly to “of nobility,” which feeds beautifully into a powerful, feminine role. As for the role of women in the story, I’m still mulling that over in my head.

Second, Art mentioned my work on Nietzsche. I caught one of the RoAW posts a few months ago and sent Will my thesis - thus, securing my fate in this project. I have attached that work to this email if anyone cares to peruse it. It includes my analysis of Kant, Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, and Heidegger centered on the idea that the experience of oneself in time is one that is unified, constant, and contingent on the totality of one’s involvements in the world. I diverged in the conclusion and the afterword to include the implications of this idea on regret, morality, desire, and the social function of the individual, where I throw in some Lacan, Zizek, and Benjamin. Please feel free to take a look. There’s some Augustine hidden in the Nietzsche section, which I think is particularly relevant to the sainthood narrative.

I wrote the piece not unlike the blog as a reflection of my own grappling with identity and significance, which I eventually concluded is inherently meaningful as its own end. I also wrote it for other people, not only to live in a better way, but to bring meaning to how they live and die. I’m happy to answer questions on anything.

Third, a few questions: how would you like me to structure my posts or messages? (Maybe I should just attempt something and see what happens - that seems to be the general trend of the project). How should they read/who is my audience? How are you defining post-modernism?



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