Friday, April 17, 2015

The Hyacinth Girl (Part 3 of 3)

The following is an excerpt of a Facebook message sent from Liza to Will on 25 February 2015.

Who: The one with the flashing eyes, the floating hair!
What: A fragment(ed reply). Or, a vision in a dream.
When: Time simply is. Take it moment by moment, and you will find that we are all bugs in amber.
Where: That dome in air, that sunny dome! Those caves of ice!
Why: There is no why.

This is Just to Say

I have organized
the thoughts
that are in
my brain-box

and which
I was probably
to have sent already.

Forgive me (for their delay)
they are seditious
so Geat
and so bold.

As soon as I finish writing a paper, grading some papers, lesson-planning, and matting my students' artwork for Friday's exhibition, I'll make sense of my thoughts and send 'em your way. I, too, move in geological time.

Patience is a virtue or whatever.

In a vision once you saw,
A damsel with a dulcimer

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