Saturday, April 18, 2015

Shakespeare's Sister, Biyaches!

The following is an excerpt of a 27 February 2015 email exchange between Will and Art.

Charlotte Cushman as Meg Merrilees
I love the idea! 
I am so sick today...just out of nowhere! 
I've been running ideas by musicians. 
Also, Allison and Liza are both in. Have you read any of Liza's responses yet? They are pretty cool. I like the possibility of a Leif Erickson's sister idea, kind of like Victoria Woolf's Shakespeare's Sister, except more of a badass.
Hope you feel better, Will! Virginia Woolf, I assume, although I think Victoria Woolf is hilarious (probably for some politically incorrect reasons, though). I just like the Glasnost that is happening. Breaking down this iron curtain of inscrutability, this wall of wiliness. Do we need a Ronald Reagan? "Mr. Witkowski, tear down this wall!" No, I think we need more people like Victoria Woolf's sister! 
I have read her responses and I'm enjoying them. I'll have to chime in soon, but I wanted you two to do your thing for a while. From the way she talks, I wonder if she is Steffi Humboldt. That's basically the same thing as Victoria (never going to stop using that, by the way ) Woolf or Shakespeare sister. 
We floated the possibility that Steffi was a little more familiar with the tunnels than expected. That hers is the hand that holds the apple. A fact that Farthington may have found out too late. A fact that Will realizes as he descends into the tunnel looking to dispatch Farthington.  
There are no apple orchards in Burma. Farthington is nothing more than Steffi's mouthpiece. 
And now, thanks to Will, Steffi has no mouth..."not that a mouth can ever be taken away." Farthington may or may not be dead. 
"Farthing" suggests that Farthington never was much to begin with. Or at least that he came to nothing...or next to nothing. Cult leaders are a dime a dozen, so to speak...nod to Lewis's The Great Divorce, Arthur Miller's Willy, Eliot's Hollow Men, Conrad's Kurtz. 
I'm not against Liza being Leif Erickson's sister, but she seems so right for the role of Steffi Humboldt. 
Maybe when she comes into her power, when she reveals herself she becomes Victoria Woolf: Shakespeare's Sister, biyaches! 
Leif Erickson's sister, Victoria's Secret, Virginia Woolf, The Anti-Virgin, Shakespeare's Sister, Primordial Sea Devil, and Steffi Humboldt all rolled into one.  
Eve is remembered in all of those names (primordial pronunciations?):
Leif Erickson → eif
Victoria Woolf → v or ia W
Sea Devil → ev
Or, alternatively, the word evil:
eif Er
ia Wool
I'm not sure if any of what I'm saying even makes sense.

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