Tuesday, April 7, 2015

I AM THE ⌘⇧MAN! (Part 1 of 2)

The following is an excerpt of an email sent from Art to Will on 27 February 2015.

Power On II

I happened upon an old draft that seemed serendipitous.

It was addressed to Carlton's original collaborator on The Principles of Theory, [NAME REDACTED].

Here's the original text:

I see we are moving up in the world... dinosaurs are real, [NAME REDACTED]. Don't forget that. 
The Return of Arthur White

For a while, I couldn't make out what I had keyed in as the signature. I finally realized it was "Carlton."

For a while, I thought it was Ctrl+on, as in some kind of shortcut command. But I've never heard of Control "on" or even know how I would do it.

Playing around with it a bit McLuhan-style produced:


As it turns out, Control + N is "create a new page or document," which seems about right.

A little more digging produced this: Control + Shift + N is incognito mode: the mode that opens a new browser window that won't track history.

For that reason, Control Shif N (pronounced Control Shiffin') is slang for masturbating.

What I'm mostly interested in, though, is the incognito idea, the notion of prowling through the shadows of the Internet, like trolling the service drives in some bizarre post-apocalyptic dreamworld.

So, Carlton's identity disappears into these two ideas: (1) content-less potentiality and (2) sleazy anonymity.

Which of the following do you like best and why?

  • Ctrl+"Standby" (the last character is not yet available in Unicode, but a lot of people want it!)
  • Ctrl+1 ("1" is actually the true "on" in binary; the previous "standby" symbol is a combination of "1" and "0" meaning on and off)
  • Ctrl+N
  • Ctrl+S+N
  • CTRL+⇧+N
  • Ctrl+⇧+N
  • Ctrl+on
  • ctrl⇧n
  • ⌘⇧n
  • ⌘⇧N
  • H I M
  • HYMN
  • ⌘⇧MN
  • ⌘⇧MEN
  • ⇧MEN
  • AMEN
  • HE-MAN
  • HI MEN
  • H⇧MEN
  • HI MAN
  • H⇧GH MAN
  • H⇧GH + MAN
  • H⇧GH + MEN

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