Thursday, April 23, 2015

It's Adam and Eve, not Steve and Eve!

The following is an excerpt of a 28 February 2015 email exchange between Art and Will.

Steve Jobs 1955-2011

Does Steffi introduce all this to Carlton? That makes sense if we go the Eve route. 
I originally thought Carlton introduced it--along with his other doctrines--and expected the same result as with his other adherents. But maybe Carlton, like a lot of teachers, was a little behind the curve with technology, and Steffi, like so many students, helped her teacher to understand the possibilities of digitalization for more fully realizing his goals. Actually, I like that. That happens to me all the time! 
I love the wordplay with StEve Jobs and the Apple! 
But I also like how you complicate the evil or fallen woman figure with that of Judith who in some sense decapitates Farthington. At that point, she would be almost like an Oedipus figure who saves the people, but then descends (unknowingly?) into depravity, bringing an even greater plague on the people she saves. Is this the point where she descends into the tunnels and becomes the beast they seek? Is this the point where she disappears into Farthington's beach house, ultimately entering the waters as a primordial sea devil?
The redo and undo the open apple is like this. We cannot return them to their "pendulous state of grace."
I suppose any "It's Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve" references would be generally frowned upon.
 Maybe we should make up placards and go to demonstrations: "It's Steve and Eve, not Adam and Eve!"
 Or "It's Adam and Eve, not Steve and Eve!"
You should post "It's Apple and Steve, not Adam and Eve" on Farthington's page.

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