Thursday, June 19, 2014

So Opposite of Facebook

The following is an excerpt of an email sent from Will to Art on 29 May 2014.

I got caught up on the blog and I've enjoyed seeing it mixed up a little more with email excerpts, phone calls, and music.

"so antagonistic to the default settings of Facebook"
I like the idea of using fame as a way of protecting our stuff, but things like lists and memes are mostly what get reposted on Facebook. I'm happy to promote the blog on Facebook; that's super easy for me and I've done it a few times. But it doesn't have an easy point of entry for anybody trying to learn about the project. There's so much you need to know in order to follow any of it. That makes it ideal for elitist hipsters and intellectuals, but bad for drawing most people into the project.

That's not a criticism. I like the blog as it is, but that's because it's targeted to the three of us! I see it as being most useful as a chapbook, a repository of our ideas.

If we want it to be a tool that draws people into the project, we've got to simplify it and make it easy for people to enter the background of the story. That's not super appealing to me, though; it runs us into the problem of putting a lot of effort into things that aren't about developing the story. Right now, I see the best use of our time as developing the TV show and the music. The blog as it stands really helps me with the TV show by creating a type of greatest hits of our communications. I'll work at promoting it, though, because I'd love to see what happens with something so antagonistic to the default settings of Facebook. Maybe it's so opposite of Facebook that there's a place for it.

Fame could be a strategy to protect our content, but I'd like to still use some old fashioned legal approaches. I have a long tradition of half-writing pilots and movies and then either deciding they stink or solving all the problems in my head and losing interest.

In other words, huge dreams and very little attention to practical reality.

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