Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Faint Radio Signal

On yet another topic, I am really zeroing in on Farthington as a terrifying figure.

I believe he is holed up in his home on Topsail Island, willfully entering more completely into his bottomless hell, which he himself comes to embody more and more.  I imagine that he is never seen. That he lives in a closed inner room within the house.  The inside of the house is your commonplace seaside timeshare-type home. I imagine it as being well maintained, vacuumed, pristine, as so many of those places are before your family comes in and messes everything up. I like the inner room along with the mascot suit being our Schrödinger's cat scenario: he could be in there alive or dead, or not in there at all.

Another thing I want to explore is that, emerging from this house, is a faint radio signal. The content of this signal is almost constant gibberish in Farthington's text-to-voice transcription, but with vague inklings of sense.  Like Ophelia:
...speaks things in doubt
That carry but half sense. Her speech is nothing,
Yet the unshaped use of it doth move
The hearers to collection. They aim at it,
And botch the words up fit to their own thoughts,
Which, as her winks and nods and gestures yield them,
Indeed would make one think there might be thought,
Though nothing sure, yet much unhappily.
Don't know what all that was worth, but at the very least you've gotten me out of my funk!

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