Friday, February 28, 2014

Why Does Arthur's Marriage Break Up?

The following is an excerpt of a 29 December 2012 email sent from Art to Will wherein Art answers certain questions about Arthur's involvement in Carlton Farthington's cult.

Because it's built on hiding, on inauthenticity.  

In the beginning, his wife believes that he is fully capable of operating within the (high-ish) aesthetic sphere, as many even orthodox Catholics seem to do.  

Fact is, he's totally incompatible with that sphere.  

So, as Jung would say, whenever natural expression is suppressed, it finds its way out eventually--only this time in a neurotic form.  So that could take the form of infidelity, of wanting his wife to be his All-in-All, of trying to live a monastic-type spirituality in the midst of his marriage, or all of the above.  

He would be a pretty intense person to have to live with and that's not exactly what she signed up for.

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