4/4/15 1:03 PM 6 weeks ago
So I was. I was saying, 1976 kind of an interesting year. And then this is the momen the possibly a bitter building for ourselves. This is that the time, way in. David Bowie and some other musicians that I'm not as big of a fan of like Eric Clapton start getting interested in an idea. And this ideas gaining traction in England. Just kind of an anti immigration, message, Lotte concerned about British purity. If whatever that means and and kind of. Some of the beginning to center around the earth Area, legend. And David Bowie says that the time is pretty much just about everything that he said at that time, because when I was doing is Stan White Duke face and that was very much. This. Anglo over Minch kind of character I rooster crap and round about that time he so he does about everything. Having you know it was way into drugs and all sorts of things he really got in the Arthur at this type of times and I think a lot of the other people who were advocates of this movement were looking to Him. You know, maybe mostly probably in a symbolic way, some people in a real way because there's always this idea that he'll return as Savior and You know basically expel I'll be in taters like you did with the sections. So here's before. So, I. I like that idea that around this time. Now what. How does that connect to Detroit. Well, Detroit. If you know. Arguably What is this I don't know. Jule of white Enterprise and you know you have some of these just Titanic figures You know, history. White History, basically who. I have kind of a I don't know what you'd say it ambiguous legacy. But anyways, they. They are kinda held up as this example and and it all happened and you can detract and then you have The rights which we talked and talked about and that that should figure significantly, in two are story in some ways in the house basically, white. Flight and. You Know Why, it's, better leave or our kind of forcibly force.
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