4/4/15 1:16 PM 5 weeks ago
Alright, so the context. I'm going back to this idea. Legends and going back to this idea that You know you're not gonna hold our feet to the here of some sort of modern literacy literal lipstick, literate, understanding, of history, that we are higher above that I think is another very interesting thing to mine and to start setting up that as our Frank and and. I think this is something that you can help out a lot with are actually not you, but will can help out a lot width is this idea of returning kind of like. Returning to. And the or role, culture having Ben, I'll literate culture sense. Good numbered. And you know. Returning 2 and orel culture, and I was. The Cohen writes about in The Gooden bird galaxy, and I think that would be an interesting text a look at. Especially since King Lear is one of the members of that line. British Kings, and I let up Arthur. And that is kind of the centerpiece of the Gooden bird Galaxy is his discussion of King Lear, so there's some content they're, and I think there's also a very very very empower in contacts that we should hold on 2 I think pretty much from here on now. The idea that we are returning to anymore, Orel, understanding. Which has, some definite consequences. As far as You know our consciousness Of, this story. If we are understanding this from anymore, literate consciousness. Well, it breaks down fairly quickly. You know, It's just a matter of kind of setting up your time line or whatever else you know your character chart, and then realize I got a certain point that There is somebody pair can do so many contradictions. So many in possibility so many inequities does that. This just does not pass monster if we say, instead, that we are coming from anymore. Orel and verbal, consciousness then We don't have any of those problems in the same way that I need to kinda walk around, with this new incentive bye bye and that I really don't have recourse to any a lot of.
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