4/4/15 12:54 PM 6 weeks ago
But I was saying he goes 2 Avalon the isle of Avalon, which. We don't know where it is but its to the west, okay because most of his You know the places where he was, said to have, held Corrigan and It is whereabouts for mostly and whales, west of england and he the lease for the ill of Avalon to have is ones treated. We don't know actually in Jeffries account. We don't know whether he died or not and So there's this interesting, open and the best to the narrative there. And it It's not too I don't think it's 2 far-fetched to think that maybe Avalon could be iPhones. That is to the west. I mean, it's quite a ways West. Cross quite a bit of ocean. But to be treated for those ones that I mean but potentially Morrell words. Would we need the help of something supernatural state like the load Stone. And so he goes to. Thanks, 1, which is Avalon and maybe that's like scribes all error. Actually, I think that that's, that's not 2 far beyond the realm of ability to think that somewhere. In transcribing use a lot. I'll be lawn is someone. My does. Ms wrote that are miss understood that. To be iPhones, or vice versa. And he's treated for his was there and. There is some connection between him. And the Vikings in lease. Eric's and then You know all these people who're kind of arriving at that point. It interestingly, at Saint Gregory, the great great after our if you're kind of leaves the scene has sent singing. Custin 2, go on a Christian nation to the British. I, also. Arthur kind of skirts that part of history. He goes to ice. Flinton. And he's kind of surrounded by these Vikings. Perhaps I don't know if that's contemporary probably. I think it is somewhere around that time. At any rate, there's some sort of hand off and a curse. And, I really don't know the car out at all. So, we have to come and take a look at that. But anyways, there is some sort of passing the torch so to speak. With. Leif Ericson Is it is busy the same person Is he. One of those Prachi, somewhere down.
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