Friday, January 8, 2016

We Must Probe It From the Outset (Part 3 of 5)

The following is a series of attached photos sent from Liza to the group. As usual, we publish typed excerpts of these illuminated texts along with the original photo. The best way is to read the text, of course, is to to experience it in its illuminated form.

B. On Books

Also, fun fact → CENSORED → All attorneys are equal but some are more equal than others.

But really, Allison, please let me know when you're in the market for your next load of overpriced textbooks. You are welcome to any & all of Connor's collection for reference or study materials. I'd be more than happy to send them your way.

C. On Will's Correspondence with Nick

This is simple yet profound! So profound!

Exchange is a damn fine representation of "the satellite's" positive potential to be the most powerful agent of social change that man has—and will—ever encountered. I write "agent" instead of a "channel" because though composed of billions of particles like the human agents behind the screens, the compendium of texts, images, & sounds that populate the world of the web coexist forever & never again as single quantum particles. What I mean by this is that a medium such as the Internet possesses the unique capability of taking on its own agency when we, ourselves, collapse our terrestrial artifacts & intangible ideas into a single public location. By giving this project, for instance, a fixed position for the collective gaze to absorb & synthesize, we (though mostly the lot of you, I mostly gaze) are simultaneously giving it instantaneous & unlimited mobility. So, by collapsing these projections into the virtual location of the blog, it doesn't quite matter that its home is in a simulated world, in a pixelated reality. It doesn't matter, that is, when observed not as a segment but as the whole. The whole, of course, is the reality we yearn for; the reality that favors confrontation with.

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