Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Is is What's Being!

The following is an excerpt of an email sent from Art to the group on 17 April 2015.

After our recent exchange on Facebook, I think this is a pretty important thread to start following. The Sizzler promotional commercial truly opened up a whole new world of possibilities for me.

I think we've gone through a bit of a platonic process: first it was just you and me, then we opened things to Allison and Liza, now it's supposed to universalize.

We've talked about the pros and cons of going the cult route vs. that of the large-group awareness training organization. I think the Sizzler video settles it: LGAT all the way.

And, like Sizzler, a "restaurant within a restaurant" is where it all starts.

The flip side of this spark of inspiration is the ongoing frustration that our growth has been incremental at best. Without forgetting about the music, I think we need to change our tactics. We've been leading with the band when we should be leading with the organization, figuring out what this whole Knology thing is and getting people to join it.

Why can't we involve others, they who would sell all their belongings and join Knology in a heartbeat? Buy them a loose-fitting tunics and tambourines!


Some other topics: It's been a while since we've talked about Iceland and why it's so important. Obviously there's the element of Journey to the Center of the Earth, also Captain Walton's frame story from Frankenstein. Check out this story about the sMars simulation. I'd like to have a moment where some seafaring vessel becomes encased in ice like the Belgica. Maybe in the process of piloting the Ericsson from Tokyo to Iceland?

Back in Ann Arbor, my housemates and I had something we called "The Whitewater Tapes," recordings made by a secret commission appointed to investigate the Whitewater scandal. Something went wrong and they were later found dead having interred themselves in a school bus (dubbed "The Lincoln Bus") beneath the White House. All those tapes were lost.

Is is what's being!

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