Saturday, March 21, 2015

The Most Authentic Detroiter Ever (Part 2 of 5)

The following is an excerpt of a 27 January 2015 email exchange between Art and Will.

Master of the Aeneid Legend - The Descent of Aeneas into Hell - Walters 44205
The Descent of Aeneas into Hell
I'm imagining someone born on the banks of the Savoyard River-turned-sewer beneath the ruins of Black Bottom, now beneath the surface facade of the Chrysler Freeway.  
Is this your "true" Detroiter? Do we need to invent a character who has this kind of claim to authenticity? Whose existence is equivalent with Detroit's primordial essence? Someone who lived in this dark world, who haunted all the bombed-out ruins of Detroit, traveling through its underground network of rivers, creeks, and brooks, used first as open sewers then covered over by the French? 
Is this The Benefactor? Is he the one, emerging from the depths as a modern Berry Gordy of sorts, who engenders a renaissance in Detroit music?
The cult of authenticity is a very postmodern thing, and I love the idea of making The Benefactor the most authentic Detroiter ever. He should be a descendent of Cadillac, have some Native American roots, and be hundreds of years old. Also, we should use him to mercilessly satirize what Spike Lee called the Magical Negro stereotype. 
Actually, maybe he is beyond race...maybe he wears many faces. I see a hooded cloak. 
Also, he should turn out to be an Autobot.

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