Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Farthington's Voicemail: I'll run covered

A treasure trove of Carlton Farthington's voicemails has recently been made available to the blog.  At the request of researchers, enthusiasts, law enforcement agencies, and other followers of the project, voice-to-text transcriptions have been published as-is rather than edited for sense.  We hope that this will better capture the texture of the spoken word, rendering it more accessible and/or flexible for the diverse purposes of our audience.

5/7/14 11:13 PM 6 days ago
So I'm gonna just a couple of things before I go to bed here I think the main thing is. Is that We're seeing this issue. Oh, called leaders. And it's all issue. Really wishing there were someone who could provide some actual content. You know, so the two streams it. On the one side someone. Really grandstanding pontificating. Speaking, truth which is in Really grounded in reality. You know, certainly not in the reality of their own lives, because their own lives up in time. Sorry. An absolute train wreck. You know so that That's side of the spectrum of looking for example of the people who actually do plate Apple uphold or artist or profit and I think. Some of that at least from the standpoint of the profit maybe a bit of in this definition, mistaken definition You know, because I think about it. When you think of a profit. You know they're not speaking on their own authority there never is. Authority. They are always You can on, got this or is there. Speaking You know these words that come from God and that they haven't come from guys and I come to nothing. Pretty much You know that they're not basic it on their own authority, and and there seems to be some freedom of expression comes from that Now, you do have situations where You know, Moses takes credit for or I mean. It just seems like such a spelt thing he does, but it seems like maybe taking credit 4 getting water bring the water. The Brock is in Really that point at which He stands up, and he pushed himself out there, at his source. You Know. And, and so office only these people to 1st of themselves. Ad. Exactly that were I'll run covered Werner Earhart refers it to themselves. As source. And you know so that is. That is another extreme to avoid that we really are. You know the very real. Since Nothing, we were created from nothing. If we go away from the source of our being. And we are gonna go back to being nothing, or at least next. There's nothing. And so. What is it means that the a profit. Now I think another kind of topic is, whether.

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