Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Farthington's Voicemail: G.O.M.L.A.D.E.R.

A treasure trove of Carlton Farthington's voicemails has recently been made available to the blog.  At the request of researchers, enthusiasts, law enforcement agencies, and other followers of the project, voice-to-text transcriptions have been published as-is rather than edited for sense.  We hope that this will better capture the texture of the spoken word, rendering it more accessible and/or flexible for the diverse purposes of our audience.

4/26/14 6:41 PM 3 days ago
Hey, continuing from last call. You know I just. I need to. Keep writing in whatever way I need to keep writing. I don't need to write in any way that is beyond my need to keep writing. I seem to have 8 You need to keep writing, and I seem to have an inherent predisposition to keep writing. You Know. To the extent that I have that to keep doing that and You know. If I get inspired and try to sit down or to write it. You know I get a Corder. I get a part of our pet. G. O. M. L. A. D. E. R. Something you know. Just just do it keep doing it in and there. Maybe come a time when. Please move forward. Things mobile. Why But You know I just. So, Hi, This site is a few micro manage that. That you You know you force that like you know a basketball player that would force a shot. You know Now, you know going with the best Goldman at forgiving yourself open locks and You know, working on different aspects of your game that or not. You know that don't come naturally or not the You know, and the One said necessarily come most naturally to you share. Yeah that makes sense, fill in some ways you know this may be. This may just be something You know that I've decided at some point. This may be one of those like project type aspects of choice department along the line. This is release had every aspect of my existence show up in more or less the same way any project that I have the cake. It is going to fit into the template so. You know that, so that's good. Maybe good or bad news. I think in terms of success that probably badness. Because there really isn't a lot of pieces. There's no There is no precedent, for, and he sort of success. But You know, I think one aspect that is always been truly this is that In terms of being able to articulate something. It's just. Kinda takes a long time, hey hi acknowledge the possibilities that that is a story. You know about myself that I made up, I thought I accepted along the line.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Farthington's Voicemail: Paradox sickly

A treasure trove of Carlton Farthington's voicemails has recently been made available to the blog.  At the request of researchers, enthusiasts, law enforcement agencies, and other followers of the project, voice-to-text transcriptions have been published as-is rather than edited for sense.  We hope that this will better capture the texture of the spoken word, rendering it more accessible and/or flexible for the diverse purposes of our audience.

4/26/14 6:37 PM 2 days ago
So I think one of the things that I've been feeling like he's Yeah, that would be great if you could. I did most of it, When you What You're Doing you with you. I mean come up with you, commit suicide. Really 2 what the situation is. But the current situation is, by trying to leap into something else to leap into some other reality You know, Paradox sickly. The Journey going on the journey. One of the revelations feel like I've had a good day. Is, going on the journey is really what it involves it is remaining where you are, you know that actually. The easier thing to do, way to avoid the journey. It is 2 in the park. You Know. The follows, invention You know, and that actually one of the place where we make that in our journey, is when we stay stale when we are kind of crucified by our situation. And we remain in that and we don't, I have to be taken down. From that crock. From that situation and So what is that me and I mean. I think it means to just keep a very organic feel so. What happening now or you know they're a lot of people who are gonna be doing all sorts of things. I can't guarantee that they will, abide by, the same principles. There may be people who really if you mobilize for lack of a better word, and I tried, accomplish something in I think that that's Fine. You know, maybe that's the reality, the situation for them. Maybe we Mobile I've seen is something that they can do. Without, losing that sense of being centered, or of being Senators period cell. That's fine. As for me. The only feel like I need to use. What's at my disposal and I need.

Monday, April 28, 2014

Farthington's Voicemail: my hubby is Newark a strap

A treasure trove of Carlton Farthington's voicemails has recently been made available to the blog.  At the request of researchers, enthusiasts, law enforcement agencies, and other followers of the project, voice-to-text transcriptions have been published as-is rather than edited for sense.  We hope that this will better capture the texture of the spoken word, rendering it more accessible and/or flexible for the diverse purposes of our audience.

4/26/14 6:32 PM 21 hours ago
Hello. I am just calling to talk a little bit about songs that I've been working on recently had been working on, don't. Smile. No, what, don't wait. ON the smile on there and kind of an interesting son. The minutes somewhat of an existence til sentiment. The that is contingency. Where you can't. It basically has no guide posts you know, at certain points. And like I think would be, your Christian perspective on that. But, certainly cannot always look for those. So which way to go. At any given point becomes very ambiguous very unclear and not waiting on that and not calling necessarily on two's. From ones environment. I was able to write the bridge today which was kind of hoping that I would be able to do. I say. When the stars in my eyes, have faded away Yeah, Tahoe skin plan. It's a this is leaving, she. But the components. I look for. The sound on the rise, and time that I remember the day IN another person's in another place in time. How, you'd never You know you didn't have You know that I would never pay them 9th. I think my time while they wait for the way. So whoever there and I would imagine people who would steer me in one direction or another kind of parking back to a time. When that would have happened and It does seem to be the case. At least at this stage, my life. I have a life. Talk to 18. At that is the case, and parking back to those days when it was not the case, hopefully early childhood created which is Very my hubby is Newark a strap. Very strange, our pet geos with sending bass lines, and I don't know what makes sense, but then Finally call my name.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Farthington's Voicemail: hey ms. rivalry

A treasure trove of Carlton Farthington's voicemails has recently been made available to the blog.  At the request of researchers, enthusiasts, law enforcement agencies, and other followers of the project, voice-to-text transcriptions have been published as-is rather than edited for sense.  We hope that this will better capture the texture of the spoken word, rendering it more accessible and/or flexible for the diverse purposes of our audience.

4/21/14 2:11 PM 6 days ago
Hey, I've got through ideas for the project so Number one, I've got again. It's early tag for a little. I was thinking about this concept. That's the, hey ms. rivalry with trying to be that he develops this very strange from technique to out perform the drum performance. Jenny be made on fact that you need a beep. I tried or in the Detroit wheels and I want to attack at age is Over. The phone But the other idea with the I think you may we should get out of. The space that we're in right now and focus more on developing A. T. V. Pilot, and several episodes, my stinking there. Is that a T. V is super hot right now it's in the super weird stuff. It's in for into very high literary level trauma and I think we've got it and original story at a time where, and there aren't that many original stories going on. I also take her number of other transit we can capitalize on on the biggest ones being, this kind of specialization of unknown band you know in this is really important bans of the 7 this is no one's ever heard of. There's a great joke about that. I'm currently in the of the other day so I think that's in the air. So I'm sitting these guys. Several forces in the market coming together all AT once and, I think maybe. Since we're kind of waiting list right now, rather than a performing place maybe make sense to folks start writing, towards that direction. And then see if we can meet with you know like Netflix R A N C or something while like that You know my dream but I was needs to see if you'll be 2 then we have. It's on Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Which with the US. So yeah, let me know. Take care.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Farthington's Voicemail: what awesome NASA looks like

A treasure trove of Carlton Farthington's voicemails has recently been made available to the blog.  At the request of researchers, enthusiasts, law enforcement agencies, and other followers of the project, voice-to-text transcriptions have been published as-is rather than edited for sense.  We hope that this will better capture the texture of the spoken word, rendering it more accessible and/or flexible for the diverse purposes of our audience.

4/12/14 10:24 AM 2 weeks ago
So either thing. You never apologetic about any of those things. You know that is part of the reason why you're not in the main street. And that's kind of. It is requisite batch of honor, to not be part of the main street and yet you know as time has gone on. There. As In some ways you know that. That sort of Rocky, so it says, it's, antithesis the reason which is that It was all about people being outside the main street. It was all about. People being upset. Main St. And then all the sudden being outside the mainstream. Is, be in the main street. And so you have You know several generations now people who our IN this mainstream of not being in the mainstream, and having all these defining characteristics rock band. And then and then the US. You know the antithesis of marriages from out of its own self. So that the that the contradictions emerges from from the thesis itself. So that now we have a situation. Where. It is Very totalitarian very terrain a call in terms of similar right words but you get my get my be at the that it's a very narrow vision. What is acceptable. You know, it's almost puritanical vision, up what's acceptable, and, of course, in order to get back to the true rheology is, is that You know, possibly, possibly going in the other direction going in the direction of being who you truly are. If that was what was best, about that. The palace was, being who you are. Regardless of what other people think. Well, Yeah, so let's let's do that, but to actually do that and, I saw a rather than have some sort of false idea, of what awesome NASA looks like you know that awesome. This looks like a cheek of our OR or or at make Jager whatever it is that everyone sort of just patterns themselves after that. You know all the way down to the present with a Miley Cyrus and. Well.

Friday, April 25, 2014

Farthington's Voicemail: The Ericsson

A treasure trove of Carlton Farthington's voicemails has recently been made available to the blog.  At the request of researchers, enthusiasts, law enforcement agencies, and other followers of the project, voice-to-text transcriptions have been published as-is rather than edited for sense.  We hope that this will better capture the texture of the spoken word, rendering it more accessible and/or flexible for the diverse purposes of our audience.

4/12/14 10:19 AM 12 days ago

So misgivings about everything was. Just the usual lack of time. Bolt, on the dated days a week to week basis and in terms of the amount of life. But it's last You know so that that becomes kind of the an issue. I obviously I do think that this is one of those niche areas. It is pretty much what yet to be explore. I mean, I don't know, 981 With, played kind of the D H card yet That. Yeah, actually, GED. Good thing You know we've kinda been putting this whole thing in the hands of the young for so long. And sure you know they do have certain things going for them. But. You Know. What about I mean with the wrestlers for my friend talk about this a little bit that that rs alert really comes into their own in their 36 And I mean he. If you if you had the physical shape to do it at this point, probably would be of much better wrestlers at this point. If any wise in the day back in the day because Because, you let it come to your a little bit more you know You know a little bit more of the process, You're not kinda going on your first impressions anymore. You kind of understand a bit of the process. Now little bit different for us is that You know I don't know. I mean, we have in really ever been payments or done and that sort of limelight so. You Know. That's We're, Come come at that. That is, as people who have not had that experience. So I mean we don't really have. That it damage, so much and have a Having seen kind of the way things unfold I have, had the experience of seeing the creative process on falls and. And the patient. It is necessary for that. You know the process that brought. The error that maybe be an advantage that quite a bit of writing at this point. The on writing music and The Ericsson, have some understanding is that process. So You know for what it's for us but I. I think the key there is the never. Never be embarrassed but any of those fax never be apologetic about any of those.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Farthington's Voicemail: Pat, Jack, and Not really

A treasure trove of Carlton Farthington's voicemails has recently been made available to the blog.  At the request of researchers, enthusiasts, law enforcement agencies, and other followers of the project, voice-to-text transcriptions have been published as-is rather than edited for sense.  We hope that this will better capture the texture of the spoken word, rendering it more accessible and/or flexible for the diverse purposes of our audience.

4/12/14 10:13 AM 11 days ago
So I just wanted be a little bit at thinking about. The To Do list of sorts for our project. Specially, namely, the that ad the karaoke Pat, Jack and Not really. Karaoke let you know the sequence your project. The one man. Dan man in the backs project. So first of all being in a box. I thought I. I thought a little bit. I know that there's probably a you know, Web 2.0 8 3 free where kind of situation out there, but. So, my city seems like there's a lot. A real advantages. With that in the box. One of which being that there's a large community out there, people who use it and in who create songs and you know I might be able to do some covers. So Ben in the box and then moving on, casting need to get some of that beard stuff of that sticky stuff that's with the Beer. Diamond, So that would be pretty important. I think that we're looking at. Probably just plain this you know on A C D player. You Know. I've, hot computer Whatever. I don't think that it needs to be a huge amazing set up like mixing board or anything like that we get it off next time. You know and I'll try to get it right Now after that. What we thank you. We are at stake cave close you to certain how to close the look. The part and that does not really need to be didn't teach that's probably Jess, dress, thrift store close. One, the people, mostly don't want and that or not, trying to be in the lease. So if that is, not that big issue and I think we're pretty good to go at least in terms of going around and use where we could we could play in this way. That already have a sound system. We have a sound systems, and that's pretty much only need I think. You know, just a couple of remaining question marks are. How quickly. Hope. How quick, can you. What kind of frequency of courts. Can you have Because if I do have some the sending things where you know you get for court to the measure. You know things like that might be. Maybe it doesn't do that I'm guessing that it does, I have to check up on that. So there's a couple of things to check that. But I think I should, pull the trigger this get going. So.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Farthington's Voicemail: certain final finished products in my mind cell

A treasure trove of Carlton Farthington's voicemails has recently been made available to the blog.  At the request of researchers, enthusiasts, law enforcement agencies, and other followers of the project, voice-to-text transcriptions have been published as-is rather than edited for sense.  We hope that this will better capture the texture of the spoken word, rendering it more accessible and/or flexible for the diverse purposes of our audience.

4/6/14 8:59 PM 2 weeks ago
No. A. Let's go to the last 10 I. I guess one thing that we could say is that we could do a little better job of turning these more process oriented endeavors into things that would lead us a little bit closer. Or A would at least have products certain final finished products in my mind cell. I don't know quite what to say about that just yet, but I do wanna value at this idea, the karaoke S as something that is. Pretty solidly What I'm thinking that I do wanna work out certain things about the songs that I have all I have a ways to go with that and want to get a better sense of these songs I. I may 12 and they wanna transpose them. Tell me want to get them into a different key You know there's a lot of things I would like to do. In the process. And those things are very easy to do, using some of these back contract, programs like the end of the box. And so there is definitely a couple of things Center, down the road, you know. Obviously Karaoke is not anyone so i do you know if A real pleasing finished product. Although You Know Who knows. It actually might be a product in of itself. So it has the potential to be exact. But yeah, and then and then it is actually i should say it is a product and what's up. It's something that as we get it done. We can use it immediately. Now I need to spend. A little bit of time creating that caster which is not going to be easy. But You know, I think there's something in that as well as just getting maybe better at that whole process of costuming. It's an area that I don't really know a whole lot about I think it's an area that So I could. Practice son, you know, during some of those. Some of those karaoke performances getting better at that and You know, having that as an option when we get two later products. Having some. No Holland some expertise with regard to that. Also, maybe having some costuming canal accumulating some more. Options In terms of costuming. And once you have those things and I think you, you can always go back to that so. That's another thing about this, is that When you are biding their time. You have created a process oriented thing, that can be used as a product at any given point. You know it, so if things slow down.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Farthington's Voicemail: You know, Bader obscurity

A treasure trove of Carlton Farthington's voicemails has recently been made available to the blog.  At the request of researchers, enthusiasts, law enforcement agencies, and other followers of the project, voice-to-text transcriptions have been published as-is rather than edited for sense.  We hope that this will better capture the texture of the spoken word, rendering it more accessible and/or flexible for the diverse purposes of our audience.

4/6/14 8:55 PM 2 weeks ago
Let's evaluate a couple other one, so we've done so far, so to make 30. It's show obviously in that with to me. That really falls into that category of very much product, or entity, experience. Where we labor day and it just You know, Bader obscurity For the most part for months and months and months and then we created the product. And actually. Yeah, the product in really produce anything out of itself that length. It's up to anything in the future. So, I mean. We did get some footage but you know whether or not we can actually use that footage for anything. You and then also. You know, I honestly I don't think. That a lot of the footage was necessarily that great and I'm I'm putting that mostly on my self about the quality of the performance, but, regardless of whether or not. It was a quality performance. It was really in that product, side of the spectrum. So, that's, that's tell me you did you know that's not ideal and you could to look at ways definitely there were other could've done some ways of turning what is primarily a product oriented, experience into one that has elements of process. And it I'm the other day. Set aside from the blog. At times I think as follow, and more, exclusively and to the process out of the spectrum. Where. If kinda just biding their time producing things. Putting things out. Do these things bring us any closer. No, actually in a lot of cases. They they tracked. From time that could be spent, doing other things. Other things that might actually lead us a little bit closer 2 those. Those transcend and realities, which we may never realize. Which remember it may never rise. Pat, any of those destinations, but You know, I did in and again I think there are ways where we can conceive of some of the things that we do as, as perhaps. Having, as being Stepping Stones, or increments on our way toward some product. And it as often as we can do that as often as we can double up and and get so You know, kind of get off the of the day today. Of. The Block in really seat. That this stuff. What might we be doing on the day to day basis that would get us to some of those transcend and destinations those.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Farthington's Voicemail: the day the day quote to be in realities

A treasure trove of Carlton Farthington's voicemails has recently been made available to the blog.  At the request of researchers, enthusiasts, law enforcement agencies, and other followers of the project, voice-to-text transcriptions have been published as-is rather than edited for sense.  We hope that this will better capture the texture of the spoken word, rendering it more accessible and/or flexible for the diverse purposes of our audience.

4/6/14 8:51 PM 6 days ago
But I think I come back down to the the logistical. I think it is a good question to ask about pretty much everything that we embark on since we do have limited time and energy, and resources. 6. Letter that we really need to make the most of all these things that we choose to do, and I think we should ask that question does does this house. Those critical aspects. Those aspects from both sides of the spectrum. On the one hand, is it something that can and some sense be realized. In the present. As. I was on the product end of the spectrum, or the process end of the spectrum, where we really can Not just wait around for this ideal. And point. Where there can be some realization in the present. And then the second thing is is the getting us any closer toward products in the future. Really those sort of more idealize products that we are our imagining on this horizon. Those one server, we not within reach, but we really need to be reaching toward those, products. Not in a way where we're gonna have this impoverished present. Where we take away all present human value and then do well in the strand send them hopes and dreams, of the future. But at the same time. Not just was not just living in the present and in the day the day quote to be in realities. I'm not. Because at that point, it becomes assist with the in the task. But accommodation those to the synthesis of those two. And whenever possible ask that question and in the really can't evaluate a lot of the things that we've done. As. Having fallen into. One or the other category. It would be nice in this next phase to see if we can get one. The falls into that synthetic category that you had a great it synthesize is the strengths of. Both sites because that is the one that I think, as the best chance of realizing that concrete reality, that we all What.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Farthington's Voicemail: Process vs. product

A treasure trove of Carlton Farthington's voicemails has recently been made available to the blog.  At the request of researchers, enthusiasts, law enforcement agencies, and other followers of the project, voice-to-text transcriptions have been published as-is rather than edited for sense.  We hope that this will better capture the texture of the spoken word, rendering it more accessible and/or flexible for the diverse purposes of our audience.

4/6/14 8:24 PM 6 days ago
Transcript not available.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Farthington's Voicemail: International sweets

A treasure trove of Carlton Farthington's voicemails has recently been made available to the blog.  At the request of researchers, enthusiasts, law enforcement agencies, and other followers of the project, voice-to-text transcriptions have been published as-is rather than edited for sense.  We hope that this will better capture the texture of the spoken word, rendering it more accessible and/or flexible for the diverse purposes of our audience.

4/6/14 8:20 PM 6 days ago
Our best driving then our when we hit that. That moment that exists between the two. Where, we've seen examples of false we see that both of those extremes, at least as far as as we go as human beings is creations go. That We Really Yeah, are not. Right to do well in either of those extremes. I know one hand just. Being. 10. 10. With our nothing that's turning back toward our nothingness. That's Not. But we are made to do. But on the other hand. If not, aspiring to something that is beyond us, not having our eyes set on something that is too great for us, whatever that line is I have not set my mind on things. The other two great for me And So. What is that look like. I think that it looks. A bit like trying to have these moment 22. Have these increments. To The to have these very human steps to turn on the last informed and infused HI having our eyes. SAT on, that horizon, that that final horizon which we are not really, got really meant to aspire 2 in of itself because it's it's something far beyond us, and, even. When we get there and we participate in that Foley. There is still going to be a sense that we are creatures that we are creatures participating in that reality. And that we are not. The Creators or owners of that reality. And that's why I think something like these. Incremental stops that are infused with meeting, that worked for. That future reality just you know logistical things. On one hand but on the other hand. Is. That. That International sweets. Bye. That We Look, 4 that we strive for and, I think it is. It feels that way. It feels like the best possible thing to be doing at any given time. Is.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Farthington's Voicemail: hype of static Union

A treasure trove of Carlton Farthington's voicemails has recently been made available to the blog.  At the request of researchers, enthusiasts, law enforcement agencies, and other followers of the project, voice-to-text transcriptions have been published as-is rather than edited for sense.  We hope that this will better capture the texture of the spoken word, rendering it more accessible and/or flexible for the diverse purposes of our audience.

4/6/14 8:16 PM 6 days ago
And again, I'm thinking out loud probably have of us, idea. But let's. Let's consider this is more than just the logistical saying that it actually is something be medically central to the project as a whole, drawing on some earlier ideas. That. For instance, this idea of hell helping nothingness, help even being reduced to nothing, walled into the sense that you're actually appropriate in some sort of D E N through. The posting in re posting phenomenons. But in the process actually becoming nothing more than another. Arch, in the person him thinking that that somehow gives you some being so Crypt, It credit, thinking that and in that. That is one of the one of the main misconceptions of this generation. Now. On the other side of the spectrum. Still full-fledged fully realized. Work apart. Is it may be also somewhat untenable. Maybe that is maybe that is something like that. I have a night of ideas. The The. The Olympian The Apple audience. You Know this, and and that we are. Huber is stick in a sense if we tried to retain that in a certain kind of way that that is. That's not for us, that's not really, our Ralph, but we can't be master of that realm. We Are, creatures. And we are created from nothing. We are gonna have a tendency to fall back toward nothingness. We don't want to do that, but on the other hand. We have no right to, just. Send to get on the high There is there is a UN Bridget bowl gas between Austin that reality. And so. What we have what we have a think is something informational. Where, Where the synthesis is Is Really the hype of static Union something along those lines. As the pattern. 4. All of our striving. After this point. In the new covenant. Is that all of our Stress.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Farthington's Voicemail: working in very real waste toward a future products

A treasure trove of Carlton Farthington's voicemails has recently been made available to the blog.  At the request of researchers, enthusiasts, law enforcement agencies, and other followers of the project, voice-to-text transcriptions have been published as-is rather than edited for sense.  We hope that this will better capture the texture of the spoken word, rendering it more accessible and/or flexible for the diverse purposes of our audience.

4/6/14 8:12 PM 6 days ago
So continuing. It's. It's not an ideal neither of those. Sorry a good thing. I think those are not the ideal you have on the one hand you have the The things that are biting time where you have a product in the moment you have something that you can put out and make available in the moment you our continually providing a steady stream of that. That's. That's one aspect. And you have the full flat nicht, fully realized, traditional completed work of art. As it is Ben, understood to be and past decades and centuries, that that almost impossible to realize, thing product. You have those two extremes, and I think maybe this is just you know, maybe I'm just talking about something logistical here. Maybe there is something eager to this but synthesis of those two extremes. Is Really this thing that is more concrete than either of them. Both of them house and abstract this to them, and and the middle option. The synthesis is the one that seems most concrete to me. Is the incremental step. That. Is it sells for product, is itself something that can be put out fairly frequently, is not one of those far off nearly impossible to realize dreams. But at the same time is not just reading water is not just biding time. It's a product in and of itself. But it is also working in very real waste toward a future products. You know that future product may never be realized. It is working toward that. To me that's the sweet spot, and again that may just be simple logistical matter I want to know if it is something central if it is something for the medics about the project, and of itself. Something about the project, is about. That antithesis, the synthesis of those two extremes.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Farthington's Voicemail: It is the name of the Palm, where we live

A treasure trove of Carlton Farthington's voicemails has recently been made available to the blog.  At the request of researchers, enthusiasts, law enforcement agencies, and other followers of the project, voice-to-text transcriptions have been published as-is rather than edited for sense.  We hope that this will better capture the texture of the spoken word, rendering it more accessible and/or flexible for the diverse purposes of our audience.

4/6/14 8:06 PM 6 days ago
So. For instance, if we evaluate. Some of the current projects that are going right now, for example of login, calling your your message your voicemail, and leaving these messages. At your request. Please. What are these are these really moving us toward any product I do think that they I have some time. Maybe at some point, we may be able to use part of these things 2. At to the project. I think what we have, with them is often times something a little bit more, into. Robert Frost, home. What's the name of a home where, he says, on the harvest at all on Harvest. It is the name of the Palm, where we live. Lots and lots and lots of things go on Harvest it. And there's a sweetness to. That's it. Actually As you know that some rich nest. To some. What would otherwise be a fairly impoverished experience. If we only need all the apples. If we only enjoyed that in there. Fresh Foley forms, state. But that when we let so many things so many things exist around the margins, even if we're not going to be really able to capitalize them. I think that does have some value add another cell. But I think I digress a little because what I wanted to say is, it's not really. What I was talking about. Prior to that point where. It is not a product and of itself. And the goal is has often as possible is to have these in criminal steps. 2. B projects in IN of themselves to be products it in and of themselves, so that you have this feeling of something that you can. Something that you can realize and and capitalize in use in the moment. Immediately fairly fairly immediately. And then also working towards some later point where you're gonna be in that much better for a position. And that's why I really think that this would not B hum a wasted expense certainly putting as much money into a possible recording coming up. You know, in the summer. Perhaps There is a very good idea. The problem with that is is that it's a it's a long way off. I don't mean long way off in terms of Time. I mean long way off in terms of being able to fully realize it and I think that's part of it.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Farthington's Voicemail: I should be able to possum off eventually

A treasure trove of Carlton Farthington's voicemails has recently been made available to the blog.  At the request of researchers, enthusiasts, law enforcement agencies, and other followers of the project, voice-to-text transcriptions have been published as-is rather than edited for sense.  We hope that this will better capture the texture of the spoken word, rendering it more accessible and/or flexible for the diverse purposes of our audience.

4/6/14 8:02 PM 6 days ago
The idea of with The karaoke. Two were. Not really care if you two are but a sequence or two, or back. By back in tracks and playing my music in various forms. I think. Is it is kind of, and appealing first step. I am very interested. Of course and recording playing shows and those types of things. They do see a little seem a little bit far off because I have, still quite a bit. I was. So lyrical content right. I feel, pretty confident but you never know. Whether or not. I don't, be able to finish them all but I have some C medically related song since. I think that I should be able to possum off eventually. But I don't have a lot of time right now because I'm doing lots of other things. But I. I do like the idea, of getting something like and in the box, not, putting a plug in for that. But something like that For up for a number of different reasons. I think the main one being as I could put together one of these shows fairly quickly and. Please work in that direction. I think one of the pick one of the key. Disposition's our mentality is that we need to have, is to really in addition to looking at Big finished products that are gonna be you know long ways off. In our case. We also need identify any incremental things that will get us any closer to those things. And I mean. Incremental thinks it actually can't have a product associated with them, and themselves. And I think the that the we, karaoke. 2. Are would be a good but. Very good example of that. Where You know you would be creating maybe files you would be creating you know getting a pretty good idea, maybe a flow that you might like. I mean, you might really like some of the arrangements to come out of the 3rd for actually pretty good things about in the box and You have a give people a pretty good idea of the flow of things when and if they do choose to the come involved in the larger project. But in the mean time. Actually, there's a smaller projects. So, thinking in those terms of what incremental steps, could be projects and themselves, what's what. Incremental steps, could be fully realized, products and and actually give you a little bit of mileage and of themselves. Is is big question, I think.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Farthington's Voicemail: trying to bring that 4th into the reality

A treasure trove of Carlton Farthington's voicemails has recently been made available to the blog.  At the request of researchers, enthusiasts, law enforcement agencies, and other followers of the project, voice-to-text transcriptions have been published as-is rather than edited for sense.  We hope that this will better capture the texture of the spoken word, rendering it more accessible and/or flexible for the diverse purposes of our audience.

4/5/14 4:09 PM 7 days ago
Modern Art, liberated as it is from the traditional frame 0 has. 2. Think a little bit about what frame at once and how it's going to position itself in terms of It's around in space And And taking quite a bit more responsibility for that decision. The, and then in task centuries, obviously. What is What is that in. In some ways I guess what I'm saying is, the tension. I hope it's not there and then you then, then you really are in a position I'm. I'm like getting the attention to a kind of frame. I'm like getting the attention to a kind of substrate on to which. These ideas are imposed. Without, any sort of tension. Without any sort of resistance to what it is you'd like to produce. The Frame really needs to be provided by you. The tension really needs to be provided you the The constraint needs to be provided by you And in my world that That doesn't sound all that great. Because, not a frame maker and I don't have a lot of ideas about that. So, kind of what I'm saying is. Thank God for the tension. Thank God for the constraints. Thank God for the in inability to do every single thing that comes into our Mines. Thank God that we our 9 at the bit that we have an excess of energy. That we are overflowing. The banks of of this of these limits. That we house. And and we don't worry about the frame we don't worry about. The constraints, we just worry a bring that within which is within us and trying to bring that 4 trying to bring that 4th into the reality. Look, looking at what's available in terms of space looking at what's available in terms of framing contacts. And then putting whatever content, we happen to have it any given time. In 2. Whatever frame happens to be available. And to me that scenes, more real. That seems to be conversation. That happens with reality. That's the kind of. That's not a conversation that is is abstract did from reality.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Farthington's Voicemail: this is just the Robert trip

A treasure trove of Carlton Farthington's voicemails has recently been made available to the blog.  At the request of researchers, enthusiasts, law enforcement agencies, and other followers of the project, voice-to-text transcriptions have been published as-is rather than edited for sense.  We hope that this will better capture the texture of the spoken word, rendering it more accessible and/or flexible for the diverse purposes of our audience.

4/5/14 4:05 PM 7 days ago
Basketball metaphor for all of this is taking what the defense gives you You know if you have an option to run your game plan whatever it is that you master minded. Then. Great you about run it run whatever it is you can. You know more common thing is sort of. That You can't run What you've master minded. You need to take what the defense get you in that somewhere between the the intersection of the Collision of those two realities Whatever it is you originally planned and what the defense or the universe. IS giving. You. That's where you get your product. Yeah. In some ways, it. It may be the better for the 2 better. The two options is to have to take what the defense is giving you that something in the collision something in the intersection, on something in the synthesis of those 2 AM to set a cool realities that is where the creation happens. When you when you do have, probably falsely to some extent, hey sense that you can do whatever you want and and I guess the examples I get off and this is just the Robert trip. Of of modern day modern day Robert trip. Who has You know just sees intense processors and You know top of the line guitar whatever it is probably custom made for him all the him alone and just really getting to that point where. There is no tension no friction between what is conceived. And what is boring, and going along with that metaphor. That is not natural. If you go with him at a for pregnancy and birth. There is going to be some tension. Obviously, bringing these things into reality. And that there is some role. At that substrate, or That template, place. And then the whole creation So, That's. That's kind of the reality that we deal with and and I think it begins to get into this question of a frame and, I just came back from The art museum today and kind of thinking about Hall, modern art. If you know that liberated as it is from more traditional frames how it really do man.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Farthington's Voicemail: concert for iPhones

A treasure trove of Carlton Farthington's voicemails has recently been made available to the blog.  At the request of researchers, enthusiasts, law enforcement agencies, and other followers of the project, voice-to-text transcriptions have been published as-is rather than edited for sense.  We hope that this will better capture the texture of the spoken word, rendering it more accessible and/or flexible for the diverse purposes of our audience.

4/5/14 4:01 PM 6 days ago
 Well I don't know quite what gonna talk about right now. So I need to call. And, hey chat a little, just a few things up. Like where we are gonna go out all the down. Hmm. Yeah, I think at this point. I'm really thinking in 2 major directions, which is record something make it seem like it came out at some earlier point in history. I think if we do that. I want it to the You know, a nearly perfect. Which, poses some difficult because a, a lot of money you have to spend on the adventure. The other thing is that I would like to really hard, looking at possibly getting band in the box pain in the max or whatever called something along those lines are. One of those. Programs and. Kinda he's just Hi Ben, cards, and choose type of band in a place behind U. S sake as a potential kind of stop gap between actually getting back together with our Ben again number is, concert for iPhones Whatever it is that comes next. Just to be able to start playing like that and then of course, I think. That is definitely something that's happening at a later date in history that is something that is happening. You know, somewhere around 2014 or maybe even in the future. For all I know. But. So it will require looking quite a bit more aged. I guess is gonna be something of an issue as well. With that approach, which on some levels is going to be easier. But. I think it when it comes to the testing issue. It's may actually be more difficult in some way. But once it's up and running and it was actually could be kind of a go. 2 type of thing. I could be used during down time and, I think, actually, maybe. The majority of this project is going to be down time. I E times and we are not actively playing shows, all. 45 or 6 or however many of us are going to be of any given time, seems like downtime is going to be the more common reality. So You know, gearing up for that reality, preparing for that reality and what else we may not get around, something more. Active then til 20 30 years of that so. We'll see what happens, but I think we could.

Friday, April 11, 2014

Farthington's Voicemail: we could be Purina over the volcanos

A treasure trove of Carlton Farthington's voicemails has recently been made available to the blog.  At the request of researchers, enthusiasts, law enforcement agencies, and other followers of the project, voice-to-text transcriptions have been published as-is rather than edited for sense.  We hope that this will better capture the texture of the spoken word, rendering it more accessible and/or flexible for the diverse purposes of our audience.

3/29/14 10:36 AM 31 minutes ago

Ice land. You are melting in the tear drops of in Ocean volcanic eruption Sterling up there rocks in. Lobach. How can I just stand here in my monogram pajamas. Well day witness this, Apocalypse with Panorama through the islands. I. C. 4 spice shadows. Spy shadows of sucks. Bye. Shadows, and I was. 5 froze by pros and shapes, okay. Spies pros and shapes, of dinosaurs, lately. I've been breaking up the tape and in my basement, finding that it's futile to ignore lights nagging questions. How can I just sit here with my rocks class in my slippers. When we could be Purina over the volcanos slip. Where would we would. C. The Reason 4, your police. In dinosaurs, something something something. Tell me whilst some one. Tell me what they gonna signs by the light of the midnight sun. Yeah.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Farthington's Voicemail: no life for existence of the phone, but it is a Paul

A treasure trove of Carlton Farthington's voicemails has recently been made available to the blog.  At the request of researchers, enthusiasts, law enforcement agencies, and other followers of the project, voice-to-text transcriptions have been published as-is rather than edited for sense.  We hope that this will better capture the texture of the spoken word, rendering it more accessible and/or flexible for the diverse purposes of our audience.

3/20/14 4:50 PM 8 days ago

So I'm just interested in this question, what song would reach you. So if we were only to do one song what would be deal. And I like your thought about it being disseminated buyer early and i just a whole concept of viral I would love the idea of a buyer rest of the virus, is actually not alive to the It's not an organism, but that they can do a lot of damage, obviously, and has. You know certain certain qualities Center. The there is some work to what we see in living organisms and it's of ours. In some ways, lives off of organisms. I would imagine. That one state deadly virus has, killed off. It's post that it That it self dice. You know that I kind of like that idea of the virus, purses the host other thing on which it feeds the thing and it reminds me in some ways for the day. Kind of Mason merging at this point is not beauty person, so I'll clean ass, but beauty purse is something that is near nothingness, something that really has no existence of the phone. Thanks, or we to record it. We want to get it is close to beauty as possible. We would say that is originated You know, and one some way shape or form, not to say that we are pure vessels for this but that is the originate ohh with. The Creator and that we've been created in is Image. I was capable of the sort of thing And yeah, you know that. Tirole aspect is, is set up in opposition, or you know if that is. Just Seen is kind of One of the ways it gets, disseminate it. Very interesting word in an of itself. So this nothingness has no life for existence of the phone, but it is a Paul. This phenomenon his able to work and on the phone at work. Now, and it's on the Disable though work and act in buyer or ways of phenomenon that we see all too often on the web. And it's somewhat pathetic for the actors who could coke stand with us, would be come just a virus. I think you can go from being a host. 2. Being a real thing in another yourself. It is To the extent that you partake.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Farthington's Voicemail: A mouth can never be taken away

A treasure trove of Carlton Farthington's voicemails has recently been made available to the blog.  At the request of researchers, enthusiasts, law enforcement agencies, and other followers of the project, voice-to-text transcriptions have been published as-is rather than edited for sense.  We hope that this will better capture the texture of the spoken word, rendering it more accessible and/or flexible for the diverse purposes of our audience.

3/20/14 4:19 PM 8 days ago

Transcript not available

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Farthington's Voicemail: Your Mahal, the lips

A treasure trove of Carlton Farthington's voicemails has recently been made available to the blog.  At the request of researchers, enthusiasts, law enforcement agencies, and other followers of the project, voice-to-text transcriptions have been published as-is rather than edited for sense.  We hope that this will better capture the texture of the spoken word, rendering it more accessible and/or flexible for the diverse purposes of our audience.

3/20/14 4:15 PM 8 days ago

And I think. That statement you've made. Not. He never be taken away. In a sense of candy what's meant by that it since You know if something were to devour your mouse or something out. Damage turn off or something, or take away those things that frame. Your Mahal, the lips. The Joe off. The teeth. You would still have a mouse. It's kind of breaking the. Think about it, point, but I'm houses is another one of these things. Just very interesting. ON SAT. Maybe Maybe it's not all that interesting. Hi, I think it's kind of figure this out. You know it is where these other kisses come front. I yet It's back Q sorts place. A Place for 6 disappear. It's it's. It's nothing in it's not the lips of snapshots none of those things. That's right now, and and there's some sense in which and, I think I'm and bumping up against a very mystery of it here. I don't pick up gift for the business, bumping up against the site. The it there's something kind of ironic in that the but I'm off to you cannot taken away because and whatever process. It was that you were engaged in that did get taken away You know that you have been rendered unable to say anything of your all you able to do, anything hey it's with you. Adi, yeah miles can will be taken in it's it is it in the out could it be gets to the fact that you never Com and this is this is. The thing about all this is that you were created and you can never become nothing, and yet your, no longer connected with the ground. Being that you're you are. 8. Who is no longer connected with the source. Being in you You know if you fell out of existence entirely which is impossible. Your it's already a done deal of exist. So I don't exist. Then you know that would Department, there'd be no supper bye.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Farthington's Voicemail: some kind of Paris to the existence

A treasure trove of Carlton Farthington's voicemails has recently been made available to the blog.  At the request of researchers, enthusiasts, law enforcement agencies, and other followers of the project, voice-to-text transcriptions have been published as-is rather than edited for sense.  We hope that this will better capture the texture of the spoken word, rendering it more accessible and/or flexible for the diverse purposes of our audience.

3/20/14 4:07 PM 8 days ago

But just continuing with this idea that good evil isn't anything you know it's not a created thing, we're not manic hands. I believe are the ones to kind of stuff that there was is battle between kind of a more journalistic reality where you got a good good side of the bad side and in the books are. Read all and it's That kind of the difficult thing the rap ones that are in a row. I see. I had the idea that there is no one SAC. There's only one side and it's so good. And so on that evil, though. Read all doesn't truly exist. And the sense that we talk about. Things in this Universe existing that it is black And you know I'm not saying anything new. They did slack black and What is that look like and again. Like I said in the previous call. Is it something with 8. How is it something like my house. You Know followed out and and without anything to say You know, but just something that re echoes that and and you know see his on things and and has has some kind of Paris to the existence. With the table too. Hey grounds for being find the ground of being it. Bye, rejected. The Ground Up at the And Still Life becomes and I go in except for the next ground of it, we talk a little bit about how This is a lot like what goes on, online where people I'll be posting and between eating and and bad thing You know where it is all this content come from. Who are the actual actors. Where is the actual stage advocates it receipts, further and further from view. The actual as we become just one more. Arch in the process. A M, leading our eyes back to What as as time goes on. There is less class. This is being framed there's less and less of is being presented. For our Perot's all. And it's it's just discontinuing ongoing process at dinner tonight.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Farthington's Voicemail: Satellite to talk to you later in the air

A treasure trove of Carlton Farthington's voicemails has recently been made available to the blog.  At the request of researchers, enthusiasts, law enforcement agencies, and other followers of the project, voice-to-text transcriptions have been published as-is rather than edited for sense.  We hope that this will better capture the texture of the spoken word, rendering it more accessible and/or flexible for the diverse purposes of our audience. 

3/20/14 4:11 PM

So I don't know what say. I mean, and someone is I think you can get it ourselves off. The state be coming. Those reimburse that radiator out from the Pro city. You know, as you often see with the person in March, is that there's actually more than one radiating out away from the station at that stage would be D, populated. I guess in theory is is not that bad of the things acceptance. To The for some reason it doesn't and. It's like the second. And And but it's creating 840 point for Yeah, For some reason this feels very different and in fact that we have to come and Nothing that we D. R. B. D. Coming humble or not, getting stumbled on the right way. This is definitely something different and and it does seem to be paired with. I desire to be an actor as macquan citizens as well as so I can point it out and I just think it's it's an interesting concept. Is, macquan said that the person in March of the satellite. Satellite to talk to you later in the air. Her It creates a person A M, but I just think it's interesting at a at that's, that's what we will. But in fact, as we had mentioned that and and what that it's how that is kind of played out over the years since he made that statement. What we see we see people posting things. Yeah, as away of appropriate in some of the existence of of whoever whoever the original artist was I thinking a lot of cases what we're doing, we're posting are so you don't, the proper Websites made this observation, posting. A picture of ourselves edit concert or some that we can a posting some footage from the concert. People are so holding up sent. And you know the people and states here the reality of the being posted a 3 posted in frames within frames and. And that's somehow that fills up, the empty nest of this frame. I think that we've become that's friend. Yeah. At first, it feels like it's our frame and that it frames, that we're the ones that are enough on the inside of that frame that we're the 1 for up on that stage. But is.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Farthington's Voicemail: Hey, Proust

A treasure trove of Carlton Farthington's voicemails has recently been made available to the blog.  At the request of researchers, enthusiasts, law enforcement agencies, and other followers of the project, voice-to-text transcriptions have been published as-is rather than edited for sense.  We hope that this will better capture the texture of the spoken word, rendering it more accessible and/or flexible for the diverse purposes of our audience.

3/20/14 4:03 PM 8 days ago

So I think one of the things were thinking about. Here is The Idea. Of, be coming, next to nothing. And I was best kind of the reality as a possible reality and I was. We talk about becoming not so much, point content and I think you probably shouldn't be are up, but certainly You know, okay. Board of the source of all being that ordering toward the ground of our being. But rather, pointing towards in and. Being. Really just the frame 4, other people's, hey Ideas and addresses since. So if, frame for a sounding board for. Hey, Proust. 4 okay all these things. And and, in some ways you surfing in place taking credit in some ways appropriate in. But at the same time be coming, less and we'll sit in the process, we, For some reason, then allowing them to come through us, in allowing these addresses, to come through us. We feel. In some ways, I didn't in some way I don't know is if our existence is been strengthened or further justified I. I read echo in these Ideas and sentiments, and I to rinse is. And yet, I think as time goes on. And we get law old into this kind of activity more and more. We become less and less it. Maybe it's a good thing. Maybe the left trying to think this is we become close to nothing. In the sense that We recognize. It's hurtful to consult God. But I think there's also a kind of conflict or a nearly nothing, nothing, ed. CS Lewis puts it, as being Well, the hell is like.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Farthington's Voicemail: Billy Dee They have preferred 2 see

A treasure trove of Carlton Farthington's voicemails has recently been made available to the blog.  At the request of researchers, enthusiasts, law enforcement agencies, and other followers of the project, voice-to-text transcriptions have been published as-is rather than edited for sense.  We hope that this will better capture the texture of the spoken word, rendering it more accessible and/or flexible for the diverse purposes of our audience. 

3/16/14 4:02 PM 5 days ago

Okay, so I'm also thinking about. How am I going to be pitching these various media Ideas and and you know presenting them in the atela sized editorial voice, that is meant to be objective. I, behind the scenes third person objective. Not now No, now not part of the story here. I suppose retired person objective and I just object doubly relating where all the stuff comes from. In terms of the voice, mails far the intense voicemail. Archives researchers, and followers of. The site enthusiasts researchers enthusiasts and sundry followers of. The Arthur white project of preferred To release. The transcription of those voice messages. Without, alteration 5 to 10 so I mean. Kind of. It's pretty obvious is you read some of those transcripts that the transcription, software is Not, really all that good but, that You know going along with the motif of On, intelligent, Billy Dee They have preferred 2 see that in it first hand Whatever errors that happens to house into make whatever alterations, they want for their own purposes, prefer to receive it so I want to do a little bit of searching, because actually, I. I think you know. I mean, if that the FBI, or C IA, or anyone else for that matter wanted to a look at any transcripts of calls. They probably wouldn't want someone going in and trying to fix all the errors that occurred in transcription whatever means software issues. So, I think that that's probably how I won't be surprised if that is any standards for the disappointing that if there is any transcription whether it be. You know, law enforcement or Education academic, I. I would imagine that the standard 4 or transcripts would be that you would want to have an on it. It's It's transcribed and and if you know just how ridiculous some of the transcription sorry. I think it's gonna be kind of an interesting thing.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Farthington's Voicemail: expressing our fierce

A treasure trove of Carlton Farthington's voicemails has recently been made available to the blog.  At the request of researchers, enthusiasts, law enforcement agencies, and other followers of the project, voice-to-text transcriptions have been published as-is rather than edited for sense.  We hope that this will better capture the texture of the spoken word, rendering it more accessible and/or flexible for the diverse purposes of our audience. 

3/16/14 3:55 PM 5 days ago

Alright little continuation here. I just. In particular, I think the phone call but will is gonna be fun I want to. I know that you have your concerns about the project me kind of almost like Hey Al, I know you've had your concerns about the project. And your concerns about my relationship, with your brother and I don't want to spend any time. Ohh. Really trying to A lady any of those years. But. I would insist I would like you to share some of those concerns with me 2, get some of those fears get some of those concerns. Express, because it is in expressing our fierce in our concerns. That they lose our power lose their power over i something along those lines. So we have The A. Reduce to nothing but a story and So that, that's. That's another one. I think it was other. Bernard. I kinda want of express. Maybe that I am. You know I had to have a vocation and I too, A M 8 Shepherd. Of, salts and you know almost really kind of scary a little bit of a along those lines like Yeah, if you are Shepherd in people's like your Shepherd to him in the wrong direction. First, the phone call this is probably gonna make it difficult for any of them is really go along with the phone call itself will not express any of those misgivings So. You Know an invite at each one of them to call and to keep calling me a call as often as possible. Call whenever you feel like it. Call in the middle of the night and I will listen to those messages. You know, reconstruct is surgery has made it difficult for me to communicate that communicate to my text, took voice, software but. You can always know that I've list and I listen to everything but i here everything and I. I have. I could.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Farthington's voicemail: server our possibility

A treasure trove of Carlton Farthington's voicemails has recently been made available to the blog.  At the request of researchers, enthusiasts, law enforcement agencies, and other followers of the project, voice-to-text transcriptions have been published as-is rather than edited for sense.  We hope that this will better capture the texture of the spoken word, rendering it more accessible and/or flexible for the diverse purposes of our audience. 

3/16/14 3:50 PM 5 days ago

Hello okay. Well, This is actually call kind of Talking about calls that I'd like to have Dr frightening to me some point. Will and Joe and Father other Bernard, possibly and possibly even and Joan Bogan natural Hogan, Joe Joe, Lazarus young. Joe Lazarus Joe's Lazarus junior You know I'd like to say I have to be pretty freaky. So, the idea is. I want to type up some text. And then of course i wanna have a generated in Tempe. 3. File, and I wanna play that M P 3 file through You know anything really, iTunes, server our possibly You know, even just posted rate online. Flash Player. But I wanna kind of positive you know it doesn't really deposit all that well, so that's one idea that I have is I just wanna have, pauses interesting pauses, sounds like it'll sound a little Mark humanistic So. And then How do I want to do this. I mean, I guess, send these to your email and just like a blank email from Carlton Farthington We're a either a late Or the, and probably more like with the M P 3 file uploaded and We need to give him a heads up that I'm going to be doing this and then just invite them to share their concerns, about the project and anything else that happens to be on their minds. By calling, the 910 number. So. That's kind of the idea at this point. I hope that's just recorded I don't know. I should be getting to the end of 3 minutes. At this point. But anyways. We'll try that.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Farthington's Voicemail: link to link to Lincoln

A treasure trove of Carlton Farthington's voicemails has recently been made available to the blog.  At the request of researchers, enthusiasts, law enforcement agencies, and other followers of the project, voice-to-text transcriptions have been published as-is rather than edited for sense.  We hope that this will better capture the texture of the spoken word, rendering it more accessible and/or flexible for the diverse purposes of our audience. 

3/15/14 10:49 PM 6 days ago

So if you had. I got cut off again and I guess what i was just saying in class a little bit but I might say this is that You know if you were to come at that. The but the book form there going all over the place you know go on from a link to link to Lincoln go creating a non fiction, text. That is not gonna necessarily move in the same direction for every reader out that text if we look at the you know if you think of that first link above. The first page This is definitely not been on the same direction So we're pretty comfortable with that on the non fiction level. I think the That's probably one of the things that we're talking about in terms of What are some of the aesthetics, and whole wed X that are inherent to this is Shawna You know that it's not just you know a place to put all the old stuff. You know I'm just another place the host, the texts that we've already been writing You know that's not the that's not what it's about the but it's more than that and and see the aesthetics in the politics of it needs to be explored. That seems to be pretty important aspect of. I mean, I don't pick up the first person ever say that obviously so that That's interesting, to me. That seems authentic. It seems to the following, this medium where wants to go and in allowing it to you know have its own have its own approach. So, I think that is one of the things that I am, struggling with here is is that as I go through this process it on one level you can look at this process is the process of someone who. It is very slow at producing anything You know, I mean, that's. One interpretation of the entire thing is, is that I'm just kinda trying to string people long. All of that because I know that it takes so long for me to produce a product, that You know, need to keep. I'm interested in some way. That's one interpretation. I think the other interpretation of the days that This is something about the shomer this is something about. The Frame. But the stage, that that the internet. Provides and and You know, even back when we were pretty much is producing music. We were all ready exploring some of the aspects of that Friday.

Farthington's Voicemail: Hi Erin Dowell

A treasure trove of Carlton Farthington's voicemails has recently been made available to the blog.  At the request of researchers, enthusiasts, law enforcement agencies, and other followers of the project, voice-to-text transcriptions have been published as-is rather than edited for sense.  We hope that this will better capture the texture of the spoken word, rendering it more accessible and/or flexible for the diverse purposes of our audience

3/15/14 10:45 PM 6 days ago

So I just wonder if That. This is something that's kinda coming together for me, yeah all a lot about the story is. Coming Together, you know that there is a lot of different aspects that I can I really SAT down and you know is hammered it all out. I could definitely. I think. Put, together, plausible time line. There are some issues. There's definitely a couple of places that probably need to Pete. Hi Erin Dowell it and you know the devil in the details, might prevent the story from ever getting to that. 4 You know, getting to that final stage. Where we've. From the beginning, middle, to the, and You know, but I guess one of the things that i'm kidding interested in this is just the way in these emails that we sketch out various ideas and various possibilities and it's interesting, if to me to have all 3 or 4 or 5 different possibilities. As possibilities. You know, as I could have been that way. Maybe not. Maybe this other way You know it to me that It is more interesting. I don't know. I don't know why that scenes acceptable. That seems like a destination for me to take imparted It has to do with the fact that we've embrace to, the process as part of the product, that the product is actually it is in parts, the many elements that that are going into working toward a product, our actually part of the product. So you know going on that same line. The fact that there would be multiple story line. It's about the fact that that they would all the possible story lines. You know, that's something that I think is is very much in there just dialed that the many of us are very comfortable with going all the way back to my is treating choose your own adventure. I mean pretty much the most awesome books i read one of the kid You know the fact that there could be multiple story Alliance Obviously a different situation here but You know I'm more more in the non fiction sense that spoke we're doing. You know, and when or surfing. We are creating a text, that if you were to committed to book form at some point. You know you put it in the E that you give someone the Initial.