Thursday, May 26, 2016

Cartography of the Mind (Part 14 of 17)

The following are excerpts of an illuminated book sent from Liza to the group. As usual, we publish typed excerpts of these along with the original photo. The best way is to read the text, of course, is to to experience it in its illuminated form.

On branching out:

Another idea: Either in place of or in conjunction with the notebook (and Will's podcast idea, which I love) = a zine ⟶ beyond mirroring the blog, perhaps it could focus on the music, the band's history, and/or narrative. There are plenty of online mailing lists, which could potentially broaden the project's impact and/or fanbase, and while zines don't generally generate a significant profit, I feel much more comfortable setting up a donation-based system of payment for a tangible creation than I do (would?) setting up a GoFundMe page for abstract ideas. Here is a list of all (some) of the reasons I think we should create a zine (or "pamphlet"):

Why a zine? Well,

  1. It would provide us with an outlet through which to manifest our "planning and organizing" into action. To quote Will in a recent message: "it's better to be up and doing than planning and organizing...don't wait for all the necessary pieces to align."
  2. A zine would thus eliminate Art's need to leaf through his mapkins (maps + napkins). These "senseless" scrawlings could be pasted, unedited into the zine as "Notes from Arthur." Remember: "sharing our realities with one another" need not take time. Come as you are! #nofilter
  3. A zine would provide us with an added outlet (in conjunction with a podcast) through which to tell the story instead of the making of the story. From Will, again, "an outlet for telling what part of the story we can without the pressure of creating a series of complete unified texts."
  4. A zine captures the spirit, attitude, and ethos of the 1970's music scene.
  5. Mind-mapping = connects ideas with overall vision = creative breakthroughs. (zine = type of mind-map)

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