Tuesday, February 16, 2016

This World of Leisurely Terror

The following is an excerpt of an email sent from Art to the group on 10 November 2015.

Tondo Minotaur London E4 MAN.jpg
The Minotaur

I'm hoping to get back to this world of leisurely terror, but I'm currently bogged down in my ill-advised choice of profession, reading a bunch of timed writings on a poem I should have never assigned ("A Bird Came Down the Walk" by Emily Dickinson).

My notebook is filling up with ideas/topics of discussion worth pursuing, but I haven't had a single minute to share any of these, nor to participate in any of this most recent uptick. Such is life in the tunnels, I suppose.

Nor have I had a chance to read this article, which you probably just received in the mail too, Will. But the pictures look cool. My 12-year-old son does Lego animated films all the time. I have so many figurines, including dinosaurs, although I gave away a lot of them at the last show. Could "we" (feminine singular: Liza) do video or photostory dramatizations of episodes using miniature scenery and figurines?

If not it's fine. Ever since I lost my way in the labyrinth I've resolved just to keep yelling. If some kind of monstrous Minotaur finds me first, so be it.

I'll eventually start leafing through these shredded maps, hotel napkins...just need a little light to work with.

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