Thursday, September 24, 2015

Haunted by God (Part 2 of 6)

The following is one of a series of attached photos sent from Liza to the group during her electronics-limited "dispersed camping expedition" through the Keweenaw Peninsula during the month of August 2015. We will publish short excerpts of these illuminated texts over the course of the next several days along with a corresponding portion of the original photo.

The best way is to read the text, of course, is to to experience it illuminated and in its entirety, following Liza's directions.

Not Liberals but Radicals
by Peter Maurin

The word liberal is
used in Europe in a
different way from the
way it is used in
America. In Europe a
liberal is a man who
believes in liberty
without knowing what
to do with it. Harold
Laski accuses liberals
of having used their
intelligence without
knowing what to do
with it.

Liberals are too
liberal to be
radicals. To be a

is to go to the roots. Liberals
don't go to the roots; they

scratch the surface. The
only way to go to the roots
is to bring religion into
education, into politics, into
business. To bring religion
into the profane is the best
way to take profanity out of
the profane. To take
profanity out of the profane
is to bring sanity into the
profane. Because we aim to
do just that we like to be
called radicals.

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