Wednesday, December 24, 2014

I See the Unreal World More Clearly Than the Real One

The following is an excerpt of a 18 November 2014 email exchange between Art and Will. It should be noted that, since 1 November 2014, all Art's emails have originated from Farthington's account.

Fimmvorduhals second fissure 2010 04 02.JPG
"Fimmvorduhals second fissure 2010 04 02" by Boaworm - Own work. Licensed under CC BY 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons.

I'm definitely feeling the Garageband approach right now. Send me more Garageband files whenever you like! I feel like we've got the story in pretty good shape and we're generating lots of nice cultural, artistic, and spiritual criticism for the blog. I'd like to bury myself in the music at least as much as I'm toying with ideas.
I did some reorganizing in the Dropbox and what a mess! I put some more material in the Concert for Iceland folder--some you've already worked on, other things you haven't even heard. One disclaimer: I play around with way too many harmonies and extra parts...just to, you know, try things out. All the songs are pretty stripped down in my mind at this point, so don't hesitate to mute and drag them down to the nether regions of the multitracking.
Let me know if you are still able to get in. Garage Band is pretty hard to get around to here. I have been pursuing the "Basement Songs" idea, recording and uploading video with my new phone--just to give some ideas about flow. But I think the new approach is just to keep on giving--whatever is available. I say that's the only thing that will generate anything different. There are also plenty of song fragments that I've done on Garage Band...not sure if any of that is worth anything. Letting people see the "sketchbook," as they say (as you say!).
Gosh, I'm all snarled up inside. I see the unreal world more clearly than the real one. 
Maybe I'll be able to swing a couple more sessions of Garage Band during the upcoming breaks. I will try to put as much of that material in your hands as possible, as soon as possible. 
As far as the blog goes, I want us to start thinking about this "direct appeal" thing we've been talking about. Answering questions like What does the project mean to us? Who are we? What are our hopes for the project? Where does it come from? Why is it important or meaningful? What are some future forms that it might take? How can people help? What are we asking for, if anything?
I'm imagining creating an additional page to host our reflections on these topics, an "About Us" of sorts. This would necessitate a basic navigation bar, probably located just above the blog stream. 

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