Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Cartography of the Mind (Part 5 of 17)

The following are excerpts of an illuminated book sent from Liza to the group. As usual, we publish typed excerpts of these along with the original photo. The best way is to read the text, of course, is to to experience it in its illuminated form.

4. On sensing not what is new but what is essential

I see this "resuscitation of bygone eras" a bit differently...what you see at times as sentimentalization, I see as a laudable refusal to accept the speed and sanitation of contemporary digital culture.

In Richard Sennet's The Craftsmen, he warns us that we're in danger of losing ourselves as we turn our backs on the learnt skills and craftmanship that give our lives meaning. We must celebrate modes of creativity that allow slowness, attentiveness, and contemplation. From Sennet = We must slow down. We must run counter to the furious momentum of digitized contemporary culture. Its speed and its pursuit of sanitized perfection of sound, image, and format.

The sweet
has died
I loved
that sound
the noise
is almost
a plastic field

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