My reply, at last.
At the risk of sounding like a broken record, my apologies for the lag in response time. “Busy, busy, busy,” is what we Bokonists whisper whenever we think of how complicated and unpredictable the machinery of life really is.
This has been my mantra lately as I adjust to life as both a full-time graduate student and a full-time inner-city school teacher. The remainder of my mental and physical energies are exerted (should read: exhausted) in my daily efforts to dismantle the current public school system. I’ve been working closely with the Detroit Federation of Teachers, which has at least alleviated some of the loneliness in the struggle.
What little free time I’m left with is lost in the haze of daydreams; daydreams of an America in which there is free healthcare for all, one where inner-city schools are more than just breeding grounds for prisoners. How are my students to see anything but the shadows on the cave’s wall if they are never allowed to move their heads? I find it meaningful that you have unknowingly asked me to free The Benefactor’s horror-raps from the cave walls at a time in my life devoted to guiding my own beloved cave-dwellers out of the cave, toward the sunlight, and into the Truth.
Having been blessed with the understanding that these are the days that must happen to us, though, I am able to get through most moments with the Kerouacian acceptance that while the flesh may be bugged, the circumstances of existence are still pretty damn glorious.
With life’s current chaos explained, I’m not quite sure I’ll be a valuable asset to your project. Though I’m more than intrigued by the possible journeys of The Benefactor, I’d hate to commit to something knowing that most of my mental powers and daily sources of creativity will be blown by the point in the day I’d finally get around to working on the translations.
This being said, I scrawled down my own cave-ramblings in response to your message while sitting in the back corner of class. Some things never change.
Message me back with answers to the question(s), and then we’ll get to talking on possible future developments.
They called me,
The Hyacinth Girl
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