Thursday, October 23, 2014


The following is an excerpt from an email from Art to Will on 10 September 2014. 

White AppleWatch with ScreenI'm trying to develop Farthington's post-reversals "interface."

Yes, I had him "call" you at one point, sending an audio file through email. But I'm thinking it might be better for me to lurk in the silence right now until I figure this out. It may actually be another regular feature on the blog once I get it going.

He definitely can type, and text-to-voice is another means of communication. I guess my question is with the text-to-voice: what are the media through which these messages get expressed?

I was thinking about YouTube videos where it's just a darkened room where you can't make out anything except a little light getting past some light-blocking shades. Depending on the dimensions of this room, this could be suggestive of the underground tunnel or the inner room on Topsail Island. And then have the text-to-voice messages over the top of those videos.

As an emblem of the modern age, Carlton needs to somehow adopt an involuted, pull-marketing strategy--as opposed to an evoluted, push-marketing one.

By the way, see Lefsetz lambasting Apple's botched U2 album release. I do like Farthington chiming in on Facebook and Twitter in incomprehensible ways, showing his utter lack of tact or "netiquette."

Like last night, I was thinking I might jump in with

As with my Phil Collins and Olympics posts of a few months ago, I want people to walk away like, "WHAT???"

I want Farthington to have zero communication skills, but show obvious enthusiasm for engaging the conversation (along with a misuse of all its tropes and idioms) in his culturally autistic way. I might need to find a Top 10 list of all the types of comments never to make online and just use that as my guide.

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