7/2/14 6:06 AM 23 minutes ago
So I'm just trying to get a few things up the chest here following up on some of the calls about. The nature of the excellent song and sweet, and concert. Whatever You know, I think there's some question. I whether or not. This is a good idea. This is definitely very reminiscent certain things that i think i crapola says We have shows and and You know we consider. Opening up. This, past and and bringing it into the present bringing it into the limelight bring it in 2 our consciousness again. Is is a little bit like stalling something that is been frozen over. And And I don't know if I really want to go the whole direction, that You know that When you become an adult. And when you start taking on responsibilities, that that is tantamount 2 freezing over. All those things that You know, use to the bubble up inside of you and You know, kind of made your life. Pretty turbulent and crazy but that also. You know, you kind of had a Well, spring of. A motion and inspiration from which to drop You know that's kind of a tired old cliche, but I think that there is some truth to that and I think that that is working its way in 2 This. This metaphor, maybe even symbol of any of you believe this. Any of the stuff is happening and That. There is a liberal reality to end this, which is somewhat suspect as to whether or not there's any truth to it. But At any rate. That does seem to be. Those those seem to be some of the figured of meetings are going up teens and twenties. When rock and roll. Usually flourish is You know they are, poor a. This turbulent periods in a person's life a lot of times and You know, certainly there sources of turbulence in the middle aged twice but I. I do think that it's accurate to say that some of those aspects, 7 frozen over and and then things began to 3 use. When you think about liquid.
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