Monday, June 2, 2014


The following is an excerpt of an email sent from Will to Art on 22 April 2014.

I know I said this yesterday, but I really do think creating a pilot and a few episodes is a way forward. It basically gives us freedom to dwell in conceptual land and let somebody else worry about how to buy the gear, stage the performances, act the parts, etc.

If we find time to pursue other parts of the project, I'd say the second order of business would be making an album or two. The third would be maybe a show as a publicity stunt...maybe the idea would sell better if it had some Internet steam, but I'm thinking it would be easier to just script some shows. Who knows...maybe TV studio would be interested in backing some viral stuff to promote the show.

I think the advantage of working on scripts is that we can go as grandiose as we want to without having to invest anything other than time and thought, which we always invest anyway. And like I said, I can initiate some of the writing this summer and then we could tweak it back and forth so that the onus isn't on you to crank out 42-page scripts while changing little Francis.

It seems to me that the time is ripe to push a TV show as original as ours could be. Everyone wants quirky novelesque, hour-long, serial period-piece these days, everyone wants to win an Emmy, and downloadable TV has made it so that Netflix and Hulu are making award-winning TV without broadcasting. Pretty wild times.

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