Tuesday, October 13, 2015

The Fat Lady is Every One of Us (Part 7 of 7)

The following is a series of attached photos sent from Liza to the group during her electronics-limited "dispersed camping expedition" through the Keweenaw Peninsula during the month of August 2015. We will publish short excerpts of these illuminated texts over the course of the next several days along with a corresponding portion of the original photo.

So, Art ("and others"), here we are back where we started; back to your question regarding to what extent reflecting the devil necessitates identifying with the devil. To what extent, I tell you this: (And "I tell you this," as Mary Oliver writes, "to break your heart, / by which I mean only / that it break open and never close again / to the rest of the world.") THE UTMOST EXTENT.

And what joy there is to be found in this revelation, in identifying this inner conflict as a catalyst for love! How blessed are we to possess the belief and self awareness needed to acknowledge these demons within us as components of ourselves! May they serve as our daily reminder that THE FAT LADY IS EACH ONE OF US, DEMONS AND ALL, AND THE FAT LADY IS CHRIST!

As St. Anselm said, "We understand these sufferings because we believe." And to remain a believer amidst persecution, loneliness, and prolonged inner turmoil is to have triumphed over your demons daily, little by little, brick by brick.

One of the saints, when asked what he would do if he were to find out he was going to die the following day replied that he would go on doing exactly what he was already doing.

That is the state of mind that we too must cultivate. That is the answer to your question.

Peace and prayers from the Porcupine Mountains,

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